English Unlimited HAK 4/5, Schulbuch

4 It’s an online world Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„talk about knowledge and technology „„discuss how to access information „„write a blog comment „„talk about learning computer skills „„write a report „„talk about copyright and piracy „„explain how to do something „„write an online article „„Talking about information and knowledge „„Participle clauses „„Pros and cons of modern technology „„The Hole in the Wall project „„Technology in different parts of the world „„Finding out information „„Computer skills „„Technology in Austria „„Explore speaking: Copyright and piracy Work, work, work Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„assess the importance of work „„analyse changes in the world of work „„write an article „„write a blog post and a blog comment „„talk about things you’re good at „„describe and evaluate skills „„report what people say „„write a letter of application „„Related words „„Work „„Transferable skills „„Patterns after reporting verbs „„The future of work „„Difficulties finding a job „„Things you’re good at „„The distribution of jobs in different economic sectors „„New forms of employment „„Women and work „„Transferable skills „„Interview experiences „„A memorable experience Companies Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„talk about corporate identity and company culture „„write a blog post „„write a comment on a corporate blog „„identify management styles „„make your case in a disagreement „„talk about dealing with conflict „„negotiate a formal agreement „„write a formal email „„Talking about a company „„Making your case „„Verbs with adverbs and prepositions „„Negotiating an agreement „„Multi-word verbs with put „„An example of corporate identity „„Yousef talks to his manager „„Caitlin negotiating for compensation „„Opinions about what went wrong „„Explore listening: Negotiation styles „„Corporate identity and company culture „„Management styles „„Compromises „„Conflict management „„Negotiating an agreement Saving the world Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„talk about climate change „„describe inventions and how they work „„discuss proposals „„describe an ongoing process „„say if actions are justified „„report and react to a point of view „„conduct a debate „„write a blog post „„write a report „„Climate change „„Active and passive infinitives „„Present progressive active and passive „„Adverb / adjective collocations „„Saying if actions are justified „„Reporting / reacting to a point of view „„Fighting global warming „„Discussing A. I. „„Explore listening: Meat consumption and the environment „„Proposals to combat climate change „„Compare and contrast pictures „„Transport „„Conduct a debate „„Present an environmental problem „„Explore speaking: A greener alternative? Semester check: Units 5–8 Unit 5 8th semester p. 62 p. 74 Unit 6 p. 86 Unit 7 p. 97 Unit 8 p. 108 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv