2. Make junk food less attractive It’s relatively easy to make money by selling snacks consisting of cheap but unhealthy ingredients. Companies compete to tempt consumers everywhere. A small amount of regulation would give healthy food, rather than unhealthy, an edge in this competition. In Chile, for example, the government introduced regulations forcing food manufacturers to clearly label and market their products according to how healthy (or unhealthy) they are. This enabled innovators to compete with the junk food industry and appeal to the health conscious. Similarly, taxes on sugary drinks have provided an incentive for the industry to produce healthier products in many countries. 3. Profit with purpose Another way to get food businesses to sell healthier products is through corporate governance mechanisms. Instead of focusing on shareholder profits, food companies could establish diet-related health as a core purpose. 4. Redefining success A new package of healthy metrics is needed to define what success looks like for food businesses. The Access to Nutrition Index, for instance, scores global food companies on how well they are addressing obesity and diet-related disease. 5. Public sector leading the way Lots of cities around the world already have public procurement standards that ensure the millions of meals they serve daily in schools, nurseries, hospitals and prisons are healthy, while also providing stable markets to support weaker parts of the economy. Administrative departments that focus on the promotion of programmes like “homegrown school feeding” and “farm-to-school incentive” are essential to ensure public budgets are used to purchase healthy food locally. Implementing this five-point plan will have its challenges. The task is to repurpose the food economy for better, healthier eating. Now is the time to step up and create an economy that is both nourishing and flourishing. Next, read the article again and answer these questions: 1 Why should employers care about the food habits of their staff? 2 What aspects should be considered when publicly subsidising food production? 3 What could be done to make junk food less attractive? Look at the text again. Which highlighted verbs mean: A this is the whole of it? B this is only part of it? C it has this inside it? Look at these sentences. Which verb do you think should be used in each case? Why? 1 The development of healthy food campaigns consists of / involves a lot of planning. 2 Refined and heavily processed foods often include / contain empty calories. 3 The food safety review will also comprise / contain elements of standard best practice procedures. Health issues are often also political issues. What does this mean? Look at some other global issues. Match them with the examples. 1 childhood literacy 3 smoking 5 rising sea levels 2 the destruction of rainforests 4 obesity 6 youth unemployment Together, choose one interesting and important issue from 24b. In groups, discuss the issue. Decide the main points to discuss, and what you think about them. Then discuss the main problems and possible solutions. Choose one person from each group to sit on a ‘panel’. ■■ Members of the panel: in turn, give your group’s opinion. ■■ The others: make comments or ask questions after each person has spoken. b Language focus consist, include 23 a b Speaking 24 a b cultural conservation educational social global economic environmental moral c d 25 Language skills Extras Explore 2 Global issues 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv