English Unlimited HAK 4/5, Schulbuch

Preparing for final exams Reading, Task 1 1 I, 2 F, 3 D, 4 J, 5 E, 6 B, 7 H, 8 G; Distractors: C, K Reading, Task 2 1 uncomfortable with the technology / software 2 impression of direct communication 3 (an) unsuitable place to work 4 (whatever’s) the industry standard / their (chosen) industry’s standards 5 more casual than usual / different from other/normal interviews 6 show (your/their) frustration 7 (it demonstrates) (your/their) resilience 8 come(s) / coming across as desperate / they could seem desperate Reading, Task 3 1 T (Empathic workplaces tend to) 2 F (One might hope employees / What’s worse, people who) 3 T (For instance, after seeing) 4 T (The good news is) 5 T (Leaders can challenge imaginary / Empathy often belongs to) 6 F (Every group, whether it’s) 7 F (Levy Paluck found that) 8 T (To build empathic cultures / This not only increases) Reading, Task 4 1 C, 2 D, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8 A Listening, Task 1 1 open/start/launch (their own) business(es) / start businesses in Utah / to start a business 2 it was gorgeous / the dress was gorgeous 3 many clients / lots of customers 4 moving to new places / leaving people behind 5 language barriers / language isn’t a barrier 6 meet them/refugees in person 7 unacceptable rates of violence 8 essential items (and toys) Listening, Task 2 1 E, 2 D, 3 G, 4 B, 5 J, 6 F, 7 I; Distractors: C, H Listening, Task 3 1 D, 2 A, 3 A, 4 C, 5 C, 6 B, 7 D Listening, Task 4 1 D, 2 D, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 D, 7 C 237 K Key Semester Checks and Preparing for final exams Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv