English Unlimited HAK 4/5, Schulbuch

tailor-made for … It’s a role tailor-made for Benedict Cumberbatch. maßgemacht für …, zugeschnitten auf … low-key I’d like to keep the wedding a low-key affair. einfach, ungezwungen, ohne großen Aufwand 15 to mediate [}mi:dieçt] She said the EU should mediate between Russia and its neighbours. vermitteln mediator Vermittler/in, Mediator/in at the suggestion of sb. I went to the River Street dentist’s at Kim’s suggestion. auf jmds. Anraten/Anregung feud [fju:d]: an angry and often violent argument between two people or groups that has existed for a long time Fehde ethnicity ethnische Zugehörigkeit to sort out sth. If we hadn’t sorted out our differences, we couldn’t have worked as a team again. etw. klären/lösen to face up to sth. He’ll have to face up to the fact that he might not become the next Picasso. etw. ins Auge blicken, sich etw. stellen 22 to be compensated for sth. für etw. entschädigt werden to be entitled to sth. The people are entitled to the truth! ein Recht/einen Anspruch auf etw. haben compensation Wiedergutmachung, Schadenersatz to cancel sth. etw. streichen provided vorausgesetzt 28 PTA: (short for) parent-teacher association „Elternverein” Unit 8 1 climate crisis Klimakrise 2 carbon neutral CO2-neutral to decarbonise (sth.) What are the obstacles to decarbonising the global economy? (etw.) CO2-frei machen, den CO2-Ausstoß reduzieren geoengineering Geoengineering (= Technologien zur Beeinflussung des Klimasystems der Erde) progressive fortschrittlich soft power: using a country's cultural and economic influence rather than military power weiche Macht 3 to deflect sth. etw. ablenken to put sth. into reverse etw. umkehren/rückgängig machen sunshade Sonnenschirm to orbit sth. etw. umkreisen sulphur [}sUlf‹] Schwefel fertiliser Farm manure and compost are the most valuable fertilisers. Düngemittel for the sake of sth. They didn’t break up for the sake of the children. um einer Sache willen 4 to extract sth. hier: etw. herausfiltern to counteract sth. To counteract stress, we recommend a healthy diet and enough sleep. etw. entgegenwirken, etw. bekämpfen pillar Pfeiler, Säule trunk Baumstamm synthetic [sçn}Qetçk] künstlich, synthetisch tuning fork Stimmgabel slat Leiste, Latte upright hier: Pfosten venetian blind [v‹]ni:S‹n}blaçnd] Jalousie coated überzogen sodium hydroxide [haç}drüksaçd] Natriumhydroxid, Natronlauge sodium carbonate [}kA:bWneçt] Natriumkarbonat 6 consumption Verbrauch 7 glacier [}glésiW] Gletscher to elapse [ç}léps] Three years had elapsed since she had left school, and still she hadn’t found a job. vergehen, verstreichen 8 to calve [kA:v] kalben flotilla [flW}tçlW]: a group of small ships or boats Flotte eerily beautiful schaurig-schön, unheimlich schön jagged [}dJégçd] gezackt, spitz ice sheet Eisdecke, Eisschild to smother [}smUDW] sth. hier: etw. unter sich begraben 9 decisively [dç}saçsçvli] It is vital to act decisively to end the recent outbreak of violence. entschieden fresh water Süßwasser daring waghalsig, kühn to accelerate [‹k}sel‹reçt] (sth.) (etw.) beschleunigen to transmit sth. etw. senden to maintain an equilibrium das Gleichgewicht wahren melt water Schmelzwasser to shed sth. etw. abstoßen/abwerfen to accumulate sth. They’re accumulating wealth and power at the expense of others. etw. ansammeln astounded We were astounded to hear this confession from his own lips. bestürzt, verblüfft 10 to replenish sth. etw. wieder auffüllen 12 to erode sth. etw. abtragen/auswaschen spawning ground Laichplatz susceptible [sW}septçbWl] to sth. Their weak immune systems made them susceptible to infections. für etw. empfänglich/anfällig drought [draðt] Dürre, Trockenheit …-resistant resistent gegen … to breed sich vermehren 13 striking auffallend heart-rending herzzerreißend 229 V Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv