English Unlimited HUM 3, Schulbuch

A, phone B and have a conversation. Now change roles and look at the next role card. Have another phone conversation. Listen to another pair’s conversation and answer the questions. 1 What problem did the customer have? 2 Has the customer services person solved the problem? Write a short email of complaint (around 100 words). You should: ■■ say what service you used, or which product you ordered ■■ describe the problem ■■ explain what you expect the company to do about it 1 Business communication: How to make a written complaint, p. 160. b c d Writing 18 Resolving a dispute and reaching a compromise Think about life at home. Mark the topics you sometimes have disagreements about: ■■ cleaning ■■ shopping ■■ eating ■■ cooking ■■ noise ■■ the shower ■■ loading the dishwasher Look at the dictionary entry and think of situations in 19a where you have to compromise. Talk together. Listen to the Smiths reaching compromises. Answer the questions and compare your answers in class. 1 Which three problems from 19a do they discuss? 2 What compromises do they reach? 3 What do you think Elisa and Daniel would be like to live with? What are the Smiths talking about in sentences 1–6? A 1 2 How about if we take turns to do it? We could do that, I suppose. Otherwise we could just clear away our own stuff. B 3 4 Let’s say you can listen to it in the kitchen if the door’s shut and you turn it down a bit. But if I agree to do that, could you please do something for me? C 5 6 That way, you can take as long as you like. But that would mean making a rota. Which two highlighted expressions, A–C, can we use to: 1 explain consequences? / 2 suggest a solution? / 3 give a condition? / Listening 19 a compromise (n): [}kümprWmaçz] when you agree to something which is not exactly what you want: We reached a compromise in the end. I’ve agreed to work on Monday evening if I can take Saturday off. b 20 qy8b6g 35 a b Vocabulary Negotiating 21 a b Work in A/B pairs. A, you want to complain about something you’ve bought from a website. Look on p. 170 and complete the information on the first role card. B, you work on the helpline. Look on p. 172 and complete the information. The following phrases might be useful. Speaking 17 a It’s faded/dented/chipped/torn/cracked/scratched/the wrong size. It doesn’t work. / I’m not happy with the service at … because … 74 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Sorting things out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv