English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Explore writing 2: A customer review and a letter of complaint Read the customer reviews (A–C) below of a hotel on a travel website. Which reviews complain about: 3 the room they stayed in? 1 the value for money offered by the hotel? 4 the cleanliness of the hotel? 2 the location of the hotel? 5 the service in the hotel? 40 https://www.places_to_stay.biz Find the best hotels worldwide The hotel was (1) acceptable, a bit too far from the centre of town, and a little (2) shabby. The owner was quite (3) pleasant. The only real drawback was the price – €95 seems (4) excessive, considering it did not even include breakfast. Tiny room, (5) filthy bathroom. Food OK, but the service was very slow. Too expensive for the facilities offered and a long way from the beach. We had to wait over an hour for our room, which was small and rather (6) cramped and had a strange smell. Perhaps this was something used to kill the mosquitoes – the walls were covered in squashed insect bodies. Towels from the 1950s, a TV that could only receive two channels. The staff were friendly enough, but this doesn’t compensate for the very (7) poor room. A B C Match the highlighted adjectives (1–7) used in the reviews with their meanings. A quite nice B old and in bad condition C very dirty D small, with not enough space to move around Cross out the word in each group that cannot be described by the adjective. 1 The service / food / receptionist / room was acceptable. 2 The room / building / furniture / food was shabby. 3 The hotel / receptionist / value / location was pleasant. 4 The service / room / bathroom / towel was filthy. 5 The bathroom / location / balcony / breakfast room was cramped. You stayed in the same hotel and were not impressed. These are the ratings you gave. 41 a E good enough, but not more than that F too expensive G of very low standard b 42 Value ☻☻☺☺☺ Location ☻☻☻☺☺ Room ☻☻☺☺☺ Cleanliness ☻☺☺☺☺ Service ☻☻☻☺☺ Make notes about the problems with each point, then write your own review (around 100 words) for the website. 84 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Sorting things out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv