English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Discuss your ideas in groups. 1 What do you do when you’re angry with: ■■ a classmate? ■■ a friend? ■■ a fellow intern? ■■ a relative? ■■ a teacher? ■■ your boss at work? 2 How do you think conflict should be resolved at school or at work? How about at home? Give an example from your experience. 3 In such a situation, is it more important to be polite or to be honest? Why? 4 How do you feel about getting angry in public? Is it acceptable in Austria? 5 Is it the same or different in other cultures you know of? Speaking 30 Talk together. What kind of behaviour annoys you? What would you do if: 1 someone went to the front of a queue without waiting in line? 2 someone broke the rules on public transport by putting their dirty shoes on the seat opposite? 3 you got poor service in a restaurant, a café or a shop? What do most people do where you live? Listening 31 a b Listen to Tariq talking about complaining in the UK and France. What difference does he mention? 32 y5rx4i 36 81 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Sorting things out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv