Work in A/B/C groups. You’re a family, and you need to discuss some problems. Student A, you’re the oldest sibling, look on p. 164; Student B, you’re the middle one, look on p. 167; Student C, you’re the youngest sibling, look on p. 174. Example: A: How about if we do the cooking together? B: But that would mean coming home earlier. Talk in your groups. What solutions did you find? What compromises did you have to make? Make a list of possible problems between classmates or students and their teacher. Example: leaving rubbish lying about, meeting deadlines … Talk together. 1 What would you do if you had a problem with a teacher? 2 Would you find it easy to discuss the problem? 3 What do you think you’d say? Listen to Mr Jones talking to Mr Tate, his son’s teacher at an international school. What’s the problem? Match 1–5 with A–E. 1 I’ve been meaning to talk to you, A be a bit more organised. 2 It’s just that B not done any work recently. 3 Well, to be honest, he needs to C he never does any homework at all. 4 Well, to be fair, he has D you could have a word with him about it. 5 I’d be grateful if E actually. In pairs, add the highlighted softening expressions to these complaints. 1 A: Is everything OK? How’s your food? B: Well, the soup is a bit cold. 2 A: Could you lend me some money? B: OK, but you haven’t paid me back from last week. 3 Your music is very loud. If you could turn it down, . 4 You never do the washing up. It’s irritating. 5 . You borrowed some books from me a few weeks ago, and I need them. Work in pairs. A, you’re going to speak to your American neighbour about a problem. Look on p. 169 and think about what language you need to use. B, look on p. 173 and prepare to talk to your neighbour about a problem. Have a conversation and try to find a compromise. Now change roles. Look at the next role card and have another conversation. Example: I’ve been meaning to talk to you, actually, about your … Talk in groups. Did you resolve the disputes with your neighbour? Speaking 21 a b Listening 22 a b 23 9q6ba6 34 Vocabulary Softeners 24 a b Speaking 25 a b 26 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Sorting things out 79 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv