Ó ph9s7y Decision-making How do you make decisions about: ■■ when and how to revise before exams? ■■ where to spend your holidays? ■■ what to buy, when and where? ■■ what to spend your money on? Which decisions do you find easy to make? Which are more difficult? Talk together. How similar are you? Read the introduction to an article about thinking strategies. What does the technique help people to do? Reading 1 a b 2 Ways of thinking Do you find it difficult to make decisions? If you change how you think, you will make better decisions – that’s what some experts say. Most of us only use one or two ways of thinking when we make decisions, solve problems or come up with ideas. Is it time for you to use some new thinking strategies? Read the rest of the article. Which thinking strategy 1–6 represents someone who: A thinks positively? D thinks emotionally? B focuses on challenges? E manages situations? C thinks creatively? F focuses on the facts? 3 1 Trust your intuition when you look at situations – listen to your heart, not your head. You don’t have to explain your views or justify them. If you follow your instincts, you will not regret your decisions. 2 Try to be optimistic and look for all the benefits of a decision. This way of thinking will help you to keep going when everything looks gloomy and difficult. If you believe, you can achieve! 3 Look at the facts you have and see what you can learn from them. Use this strategy to identify what information is needed and think about how to get it. 4 When new ideas are needed, brainstorm ideas and don’t criticise what anyone says. If you adopt this way of thinking, you will more easily come up with new plans and develop creative solutions to problems. 5 If humans were perfect, we would never make mistakes. But we aren’t, so try to imagine all the reasons why a plan might not work. Use this strategy to check for potential problems which could affect your plans now or in the future. 6 If you’re holding a meeting, use a mixture of strategies! When new ideas are needed, suggest people think creatively. When you need to evaluate an idea, check for problems and so on. If you can apply the most appropriate way of thinking at the right time, you will be an extraordinary success! 74 6 Unit Sorting things out make a complaint politely compare and contrast two alternatives write a customer review (and a letter of complaint) Goals talk about decisions and the consequences of decisions complain about goods and services ask for a refund or replacement Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv