Work in A/B pairs. A, think of a word with one of the prefixes from 20c or find one in your dictionary. B, try to explain its meaning with the help of the prefix. Example: A: Antivirus software? B: Well, ‘anti’ means ‘against’, so it’s software that works against viruses. Use the prefixes in 20c to complete these sentences. 1 After the accident in Fukushima the -nuclear movement gained a lot of support. 2 Several -Soviet states have made the transition to free market economy. 3 In the -industrial age most people worked in agriculture. 4 In the 1970s the expected rise in the price of oil led to inflation in the industrialised economies. 5 It is important that consumers use bags and containers to help the environment. 6 One of the consequences of the crisis in 2008 was a valuation of the euro. 7 When the investigation report was published, everybody knew that the bankruptcy of the hotel chain was the -manager’s fault. 21 a b Explore reading: The world economy Read the article about the world economy on the next page. Complete the sentences (1–8) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 The author says that after WWII newly created welfare systems provided help for . 1 Many companies moved to lower costs. 2 Many people got rich through financial speculation, which also led to increased profits in the . 3 Those who could not profit from the free-market economy became poorer and felt . 4 In the first decade of the 21st century, many people in the US lost their homes because they could not . 5 Countries had become so interconnected that the mortgage crisis also hit . 6 The Great Recession caused many businesses to . 7 Since the crisis of 2008, governments have played a more active role again to make sure the economy . 8 The author of the article says that current problems require solutions. Is the author of the article in favour of neoliberalism? Find three expressions in the second paragraph that indicate the author’s point of view. Go online to find definitions and examples of the highlighted expressions in the article. Compare your results in class. 28 a Reading 2 weaker members of society b c 64 Language skills Extras Explore 5 Money matters Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv