English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Look at the highlighted linking expressions in 6c. Which can be followed by: A subject + verb? B -ing or a noun? C either A or B ? Write money-saving tips using linking expressions. Use these topics and three more ideas of your own. ■■ moped ■■ mineral water ■■ ■■ cooking ■■ smartphone ■■ ■■ plastic bags ■■ clothes ■■ Example: Cycle or walk instead of using your moped. Tell the class your top five tips. Then choose the best five as a class. Listen to Kiarra’s podcast about living cheaply. She is a Jack Monroe fan and has summed up Jack’s most practical tips on saving money. 1 What does she do before food shopping? 2 How does she work with recipes? 3 What is her strategy when buying vegetables? Do you think you could follow Kiarra’s advice? Why? Why not? Do you have any other ideas? Listen to Kiarra again and fill in the multi-word verbs she uses. 1 I’d like to give you a summary of Jack’s most important tips on healthy, frugal cooking that make you k your budget. 2 Every last scrap of anything c reducing next week’s food expenses. 3 You can s simple food like this for days. 4 Give up s expensive recipes! Don’t be afraid to substitute ingredients. 5 It’s also a good idea to l cheap, frozen veggies. 6 Another tip that Jack keeps repeating is: g eating meat two or three days a week. 7 Why not s the occasional high-quality roast chicken and have cheap, tasty vegetarian meals in between? 8 I have never ever g budget again. Complete the questions with the multi-word verbs from 9a. 1 Do you find it difficult to a budget? 2 Have you ever money to buy a gift for someone special? 3 Do you ever bargains? Where? 4 Have you ever something you enjoyed in order to save money? 5 Do you think you could a similar food regime to Jack’s? Why? Why not? Ask and answer the questions together. Do you think you’re good with money? 7 a b c Listening 8 a pe5xn4 25 b Vocabulary Multi-word verbs: managing money 9 a b c Language skills Extras Explore 5 Money matters 59 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv