Explore reading: Views on personality Read the introduction to a book about personality, Please understand me II by American psychologist David Keirsey. Say whether the people (1–9) below believe: A people’s behaviour depends on their inborn natural preferences B people’s behaviour depends on other factors 1 Hippocrates 3 Pavlov 5 Jung 7 Myers 9 the author of the book 2 Galen 4 Freud 6 Watson 8 Briggs Which do you think was the original title of this section of the book? A The influence of Sigmund Freud on 20th-century psychology C Temperament theory: Lost and found B A short history of psychology 39 a b Look at note-taking tips A–F. Which do you follow when you take notes? A use section headings and subheadings D use abbreviations where possible, not full words B list points under each subheading E revise your notes as soon as possible C don’t try to write every word F don’t worry about correct spelling and grammar Look at the interviewer’s unfinished notes about Marlene. Match the notes with tips A–D above. In pairs, say what you think these abbreviations mean. 35 a b Interview: Marlene BERGER 1. Experience: (Tip ) - 3 yrs exp. in (Tip ) - TC Vienna: (Tip ) - worked in hotel: (Tip ) - 2. Strengths: - - 3. Achievements: c 1 yrs 5 WFH 9 8.00 13 no. 2 pm 6 w/ 10 C21st 14 fyi 3 vs 7 approx. 11 pw 15 PTO 4 btw 8 TBD 12 fwd 16 ETA Now listen to the interview again. Complete the interviewer’s notes about Marlene. Compare your notes with a partner. Did you write down the same details? Your school is holding interviews for the post of student representative. Look at the five questions for the interview and think about your answers. 1 How long have you been at the school? 4 How much time can you give to the job? 2 What experience have you got of dealing with people? 5 What can you bring to the job? 3 What are your strengths and weaknesses? Work in A/B pairs. A, interview B and take notes. Then B, interview A and take notes. Get into separate groups of As and Bs. Tell each other about the person you interviewed, using your notes to help you. Within each group decide who is best qualified to get the post. The new student representative has just been chosen. However, the interviews and the election seemed a bit chaotic to you. Write a memo to the head teacher in which you describe the problems and recommend improvements. Write around 100 words. 1 Business communication: How to write a memo, p. 145–146. 36 a 5mb7ka 19 b 37 a b c 38 40 Language skills Extras Explore 3 Success Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv