Read the article again. Which intelligences do you think are important for these jobs? Why? ■■ tax accountant ■■ doctor ■■ politician ■■ singer ■■ sustainability consultant ■■ lawyer ■■ receptionist ■■ social worker Example: A lawyer probably needs interpersonal and verbal-linguistic intelligences. Look at the highlighted expressions in the article. Which can be followed by: A an infinitive? B an -ing form? C a noun D an -ing form or a noun? Which intelligences do you think you have? What about people you know well? Explain your ideas and give examples using the highlighted expressions in the article. Example: I think I have musical intelligence because I’m able to learn tunes very quickly. Talk in pairs. What intelligences does your partner have? Listen to the interview with Aileen Westfield. Make notes. What does she say about: ■■ nationality ■■ companies owned ■■ education ■■ recent activities ■■ main types of intelligences Listen to the interview again. Can you pick up two of Aileen’s character traits and two of her opinions? Close your books. Talk together. What can you remember about Aileen? Complete the sentences from the interview so they’re true for you. 1 I wish people would take more notice of 2 I’m good at 3 In another life I’d have been 4 In weak moments I 5 In a nutshell, my philosophy is this: Interview each other. Ask questions to find out more details. Example: A: I’m good at maths. B: Really? What’s 23 by 15? Tell the class the most surprising thing you found out about your partner. Vocabulary Abilities 10 a 4 Verbal-linguistic People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence have a facility with words and languages. They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorising words along with dates. They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures and through discussion and debate. 5 Logical-mathematical This area has to do with logic, reasoning and numbers. People with this ability excel at scientific thinking and investigation and have the ability to perform complex calculations. Traditional concepts of intelligence, or IQ, reflect ability in this area. 6 Musical This area has to do with rhythm, music and hearing. Those who have a high level of musical intelligence are able to sing and play musical instruments. They can also often compose music and may learn best by listening to lectures. 7 Visual-spatial People with strong visual-spatial intelligence are typically very good at visualising and mentally manipulating objects. They have an excellent visual memory and are often artistically inclined. They also generally have a great sense of direction and may have good hand-eye co-ordination. 8 Naturalist People who are strong in this area excel at recognising and categorising plants, animals and other objects in nature. 9 Existential People who have a high existential intelligence are sensitive to deep questions about human existence. They analyse in detail issues like the meaning of life, why we die and how we got here. b c d Listening 11 a 7vn7ir 13 b c Speaking 12 13 a b 32 Language skills Extras Explore 3 Success Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv