English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Ambitions and abilities Listen to Amina, Edward and Elisa talking about their hopes, dreams and ambitions. Match each speaker to one of the pictures A–C. Would you like to join one of them? Why? Why not? Listen again. Complete sentences 1–8 with A–H. 1 One day, I’d like to A taking some lessons. 2 At some point, I’d absolutely love to B be comfortable on the board. 3 I’m thinking of C learn to snowboard. 4 I’m considering D be a guitar player. 5 My dream is to E doing a degree in music. 6 My aim is to F live in Tokyo for a year. 7 My ambition is to G train at the JKA dojo. 8 I’ve always wanted to H go there next year. Choose five of the highlighted expressions from 7. Write sentences about your hopes, dreams and ambitions. They could be about: ■■ family ■■ jobs ■■ friends ■■ place to live ■■ holiday ■■ hobbies Example: One day, I’d like to travel around the world. Talk to a partner about your hopes, dreams and ambitions. Do you think you can both achieve your ambitions? If you want to achieve your ambitions, you should first know more about your abilities. Have you ever taken an IQ test or a similar test? What was it like? Read the article from an educational magazine. Which intelligence types might help with these activities? ■■ becoming computer-literate ■■ resolving an argument ■■ playing tennis ■■ learning a song ■■ staying happy ■■ writing a poem ■■ arranging furniture in a room Vocabulary Hopes, dreams and ambitions 7 5ju728 12 a A B C b 8 a b Reading 9 a b What is intelligence? Not just a high IQ The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983. He believed that the traditional intelligence test (known as an IQ test) didn’t acknowledge the wide variety of abilities that people have. Here is a summary of the main types of intelligence that he identified: 1 Bodily-kinesthetic People who have bodilykinesthetic intelligence learn best by doing something physically. They are good at building and making things. They may enjoy acting or performing and are generally good at physical activities such as sports or dance. 2 Interpersonal People who have a high interpersonal intelligence learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate. They are able to co-operate in order to work as part of a group. They communicate effectively and empathise easily with others. 3 Intrapersonal Those who are strong in this intelligence are typically introverts and prefer to work alone. They are capable of understanding their own emotions, goals and motivations and learn best when concentrating on a subject by themselves. Language skills Extras Explore 3 Success 31 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv