English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Unit 10, exercise 24a Russian and US satellites crash in space NASA scientists are closely monitoring the skies after satellites crashed into each other over Siberia in what experts have said is the first collision of its kind. The accident, which took place more than 400 miles above the Earth’s surface on Tuesday, has left a large cloud of debris floating in space. NASA officials are keeping watch to see if the debris could endanger other spacecraft, although they said it was unlikely that the International Space Station could be damaged. “It will be weeks at least before the true size of these two clouds is known,” a NASA spokesperson said in a warning message. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Les Kodlick, said, “We believe it’s the first time that two satellites have crashed in space.” Both satellites were used for telecommunications. The crash has added some 500 to 600 new bits of debris (now being monitored by the command’s Joint Space Operations Center) to the 18,000 or so other man-made objects already in space. Student B Unit 3, exercise 25a Student B Unit 6, exercise 15a Student B Ask for the order number. Tell the customer it takes working days to receive replacement goods. Unit 6, exercise 15c Student B You call a helpline to complain about the you bought from the website. Before your call today, you ■■ wrote emails. ■■ called the helpline times – no answer. ■■ waited on hold. Your order number is 2697K. Ask for a new . Your product Name: www.cookshare.com Idea: l aunch a website which is like www.youtube.com, but for cooks. People can upload their videos about cooking and their recipes. Market: y oung people interested in cooking Complete with your ideas Your experience: Why you’re optimistic about the product: Your concerns about the product: Hopes, dreams and ambitions: 172 A Activities Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv