English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Activities Unit 3, exercise 25a Student A Your product Name: ‘Easy umbrella’ Idea: rent umbrellas cheaply at train stations Market: p eople who forget to take their umbrellas in the morning, and then find it’s raining. They can rent an umbrella from the machine at the station. They need to log on with their mobile phones and pay a deposit of £15. When they bring back the undamaged umbrella, which is checked by the computer in the return section of the machine, £12 are refunded. Complete with your ideas Your experience: Why you’re optimistic about the product: Your concerns about the product: Hopes, dreams and ambitions: Unit 8, exercise 28a Student A You heard that your friend, Frank, might fail the school year. You had a conversation with Frank’s mother yesterday. She said: ■■ He can’t sleep because he’s worried he might fail. ■■ He’s often late for school because he oversleeps. This makes his teachers angry. ■■ She’s met his headmaster. He isn’t a very nice person. ■■ Frank has always worked really hard and done well in previous years. Unit 7, exercise 22a Group A You live in Sandstown, near the airport. You’re going to have a meeting with someone from the government who wants to hear different people’s opinions. You don’t want them to make the airport bigger because: ■■ the roads to and from the airport are too small and there’s already too much traffic. ■■ the only possible space for a new terminal is a beautiful park near your home. You think they should build a new airport further away from the town. Discuss these questions. 1 What will you say? Can you think of more arguments? 2 Where do you think the new airport should be: near Sibley, or in the Nature Reserve? Why? 163 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv