English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Note: Nowadays orders are mostly placed via the internet, where companies provide links to forms that have to be filled in and submitted. Sometimes the buyer still has to fill in print order forms and post them. Sometimes short cover letters are written and attached to the order forms to make a special request or stress the urgency of the order. Read the order and answer the questions. 1 What is a trial order? 2 What is the order for? 3 Why do you think Ms Marolt has offered a special discount? 4 How much does Mr Graham have to pay? 5 What is included in the price? 6 What does Mr Graham ask Ms Marolt to do? 32 Dear Ms Marolt, Thank you for your letter of 3 May. We have studied your catalogue and would like to place a trial order. Please supply as specified below. 12 dinner plates MTP Maria Theresia at EUR 65,- EUR 780,- 15 cups PRC Princess at EUR 40,- EUR 600,- 15 saucers PRS Princess at EUR 38,- EUR 570,- This order is placed on the understanding that all prices are DDP our stores in Exeter and that you are willing to grant us a special discount of 10%. Please note that careful packing is essential and that the consignment has to be delivered by the end of May. We would ask you to confirm this order by return and look forward to receiving the goods in perfect condition. Yours sincerely, Walter Graham Opening: refer to and thank for the letter /offer / quotation Body: say you would like to order and specify the products or refer to an enclosed order form. Close: repeat the terms of payment and delivery to avoid misunderstandings. Mention special requests or stress the urgency of your order. How to write an order or a cover letter for an order What is it? – c ontains reference to email / letter / offer / quotation received – g ives details of the order (specify products or attach order form) – r epeats the terms of payment and delivery to avoid misunderstandings – m entions special requests or stresses the urgency of the order What language to use? – s ee business letter or email (formal opening and close, no contracted forms, structured into paragraphs …) – p olite phrases thanking for email / letter / offer / quotation – c lear and to the point – s ee p. 159 for useful phrases 158 B Business communication Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv