English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Introducing your company We are a start-up / growing company an old-established company a young innovative team making / producing / selling… (1) Saying where you came across the company you are contacting We saw/ We came across your advertisement in the trade magazine / on the internet. your stall at the trade fair in …/ your products at … Your representative visited our company last month. Your company has been recommended to us by … Your products / goods / services have been recommended to us by business friends. are renowned for their excellent quality. (2) Stating your reason for writing We would like to expand our range …/ diversify … introduce … in our area / country. include your products in our range. We are looking for a supplier of … planning to import / buy / purchase … especially interested in importing / buying / selling … thinking of / considering including … in our range. Detailing what you need I am/we are writing to enquire about terms and conditions of payment. Could you let us have (export) price lists / catalogues / samples of … ? Could you also send us information on your trade discounts and delivery dates? Please send us Kindly attach / let us have Kindly enclose We need / are in need of We urgently require information / brochures / leaflets about your latest products. full details / an illustrated catalogue of your range of … a price list / a quotation / an offer for the following articles / items (3) Please quote prices CIF Bregenz / FOB Dover / ex works. If your prices are competitive, we shall be in a position to place substantial orders with you. If your goods meet our requirements, we will let you have a trial order … (4) If the quality of your products comes up to our expectations, this could be the beginning of a fruitful business connection. Closing your letter with a call to action We hope to hear from you soon / as soon as possible / asap / (5) We look forward to an early reply. An early reply / Your prompt reply would be appreciated. We are looking forward to receiving your offer / quotation / reply in due course. in the near future. an English chain store You work for a new shop in Linz (‘All things English’). On the website royalmania.com you have seen several items you’d like to sell in your shop, but first you need to find out more about them. Draft an enquiry from salutation line to complimentary close (around 110 words) using these notes. 24 – Royalmania Online Store im Internet gesehen – interessiert an Souvenirs von der Königsfamilie, speziell an T-Shirts, Schirmen, Trinkbechern und Schlüsselanhängern – Bitte um Kataloge, Preislisten und Geschäfts- und Lieferbedingungen – Waren werden guten Absatz unter österreichischen Fans der Königsfamilie finden – hoffen auf umgehende Antwort 153 B Business communication Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv