English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Explore writing 1: Mediation TIP: Mediation here means summarising a text in another language. When you’re doing a mediation task, always consider the following points before you start. Text type: what kind of text are you required to produce? (blog, article, report, …) Target audience: what kind of language/style/register is appropriate for the reader you have in mind? Purpose: what is your text needed for? This helps you decide which information is important and which can be left out. Make sure that you do not simply translate the text instead of mediating it! Complete these conversations with expressions from 33. There may be more than one possibility. 34 Jim: Yeah, they’ve been together a while now. But (6) that’s beside the point. He’s a good DJ. Nadia: OK, then. Let’s see if he’s free. Jim: Oh, sorry, (7) this is nothing to do with Celia, but did you know Felony is going to play at the Drill Room on the 19th? Anya: Really? I’d love to go. Do you think there are any tickets left? Nadia: (8) Excuse me, guys, but please (9) can we keep to the point? Anya: Oh, yeah, sorry, I just want to know if there are any tickets. Jim? Jim: Yeah, I think so. Let’s talk about it later. (10) Anyway, what about a venue? Nadia: There’s a nice place upstairs at The Meeting Point. Anya: Can I ask you about tickets for Felony, Jim? Jim: Yeah, let’s look on the website. Anya: Oh, (1) , do you think Nadia’s OK? Jim: Yeah, she seemed a bit stressed, didn’t she? Jim: Are you OK for tonight, Celia? Celia: Yes, thanks. It’s just I’m feeling really sad about leaving. (4) , I’m looking forward to a nice dinner. Jim: Oh, is there food? I thought … Mark: OK, so, the room’s booked for 30 people from 8.00 till late. And remember, it’s a surprise! Jim: Erm, (5) ? Mark: Yeah, what’s up? Jim: Oh, nothing. It’s just that I may be a bit late. Nadia: Are you coming to Li’s party tonight, Jim? Jim: Yeah, definitely. Oh, (2) , I booked The Meeting Point for Celia’s party. Nadia: Oh, that’s great! (3) , did you speak to Carlos? You’re going to arrange a party with a group. Choose one of these options or your own idea: ■■ a birthday party ■■ an end-of-term party ■■ a surprise party ■■ a leaving party Work alone. 1 Decide when, where and what type of party you’d like it to be. 2 During the conversation, you must interrupt once. Think of a question you can ask when you interrupt. Talk with your group and arrange the party. Tell the class what you’ve organised. Whose idea sounds the best? 35 a b c 36 132 Language skills Extras Explore 10 In the news Nur zu Prüfzweck n – Eigentum des Verlags öbv