English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

Accross cultures: Company culture Medifabric is an international medical supply firm; they are holding their annual conference in London. Listen to a discussion about different national cultures within the company. Who talks about: A having fun after work? B their reasons for starting at Medifabric? C growing up in a competitive environment? Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What does Lars say about competitiveness in Swedish offices? 2 What does he say is most attractive to Swedish employees? 3 What does Akiko say about competition in Japan? 4 What does she say about taking risks in Japan? 5 According to Jose, is it normal to have discussions with your boss in Brazil? 6 In which country does Jose think work is taken more seriously, Brazil or the UK? What country are the people talking about in each sentence? 1 We are brought up to fight for our team. 2 We are expected to work together. 3 We are encouraged to spend time with each other after work to build relationships. 4 You are forced to sing the company song. 5 We are happy to follow orders. 6 It’s OK for us to have time off. 7 It’s unacceptable to argue with the boss. Talk together about these questions. 1 What would you say people in Austrian companies are: ■■ used to doing? ■■ forced to do? ■■ expected to do? ■■ encouraged to do? 2 Can you think of anything that is fairly normal now that was extremely unusual ten or twenty years ago? Example: A: I believe people had to be much more formally dressed at work … B: But doesn’t it depend on your area of work even today? Think about companies in Austria and talk together. 1 Are employees encouraged to socialise together? 2 Are employees expected to take part in team-building activities? 3 Do companies encourage remote working? 4 What is the importance of a healthy work-life balance? 5 Is it acceptable to disagree with the boss? 6 What is the attitude to taking risks? 7 Are employees happy to be told what to do by their bosses? Do you know about different attitudes in any other countries? Listening 29 8gb7wg 51 Jose from Brazil Akiko from Japan Lars from Sweden 30 Vocabulary Company culture 31 a b Speaking 32 a b 105 Language skills Extras Explore 8 Fiction and reality Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv