Now read a fact file about gossip. Check your ideas from 8a. b The truth about gossip Primarily, gossip allows people to develop and maintain a sense of community, which can relieve stress. Two-thirds of all human conversation is about social topics: who is doing what with whom; how to deal with difficult social situations; the behaviour, relationships and problems of family, friends, partners, colleagues and neighbours. Men gossip for just as long and about the same subjects as women, but they tend to talk more about themselves. Men are more likely to gossip with work colleagues, partners and female friends, while women gossip more with same-sex friends and family. Mobile phones have increased the amount of time people gossip in general. Thirty-three percent of men gossip on their mobiles every day or almost every day, com- pared with twenty-six percent of women. Only about five percent of gossip-time is devoted to criticism and negative evaluation of others. Gossip How many people have you talked to today? Did you talk about any of these topics? ■■ friends ■■ politics ■■ the weather ■■ your plans today ■■ work/school ■■ a problem ■■ something that frightened or shocked you Listen to conversations A–G and match them with the topics above. Listen again. In which conversation do people: 1 complain 2 boast about something 3 argue or someone? 4 gossip 5 whisper 6 scream something? 7 shout How often do you do these things? Do you remember the last time? Example: At home we often argue about whose turn it is to clear the table. Vocabulary Verbs of communication 6 a b 44 d6jt2m 7 a b Do you think these sentences are true (T) or false (F)? T F 1 Gossiping can be good for you. 2 More than half of what people talk about is gossip. 3 Women gossip a lot more than men. 4 People gossip more now that they have mobile phones. 5 Most gossip involves being critical of others. a Reading 8 Discuss the questions in pairs or groups. 1 How much do you gossip? Who with? 3 What kinds of things do you gossip about? 2 Do you gossip on your mobile phone? How often? 4 Do you think gossiping is a good or bad thing? Why? c 100 Language skills Extras Explore 8 Fiction and reality Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv