English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

Match 1−7 with A−G and complete the sentences from Natalie’s interview. 1 I learned how to play the steel drum when A calypso. 2 I would love to be able to B play classical piano. 3 I was brought up to C Cuban music. 4 Nowadays I play more D I was a little girl. 5 We have our own instrument called E Latin America. 6 We have a local music called F play it again. 7 Calypso is similar to music from G the steel drum. Choose one of the topics below and write five sentences about it. Try to use some of the highlighted expressions from 5. ■■ a great concert ■■ music in my life now ■■ music in my childhood ■■ music in Austria ■■ an instrument I’d like to learn ■■ a special instrument in Austria Work in pairs. Talk about the topic you chose in 6. Ask questions to find out more. Example: A: I learned how to play the drums three years ago. B: Are you in a band? Who’s your favourite singer? / What’s your favourite band? Write an article in which you: ■■ outline what you know about the singer/band. ■■ describe the type of music they make. ■■ explain what makes the singer/band special for you. Write around 200 words. Give your article a heading and use paragraphs to structure your text. Extreme sports Think of three kinds of extreme sport. What do you know about them? Talk in pairs. Read the introduction to Wingsuit flying. Would you like to try this extreme sport? Why? Why not? 5 Vocabulary Talking about music 6 7 Speaking 8 Writing 9 Reading 10 Wingsuit flying is a type of skydiving for which a special jumpsuit, often called a WINGSUIT, squirrel suit or birdman suit, is used. It consists of two arm wings and a leg wing, which increase the skydivers’ surface area and allow them to fly great distances, gliding along almost like a flying squirrel or an eagle. High-tech nylon cells in the suit help the skydivers stay in the air even longer. The wingsuiters use their body to control forward speed, direction, and how high they want to be. It can take years of practice to be able to achieve efficient flight. Experienced wingsuit flyers simply jump from cliffs or mountain tops, spread their arms and soar through the air. In a sense, wingsuit flying is a cross between skydiving and hang-gliding. A wingsuiter can go downwards 80% slower than regular skydivers but fly at horizontal speeds of up to 350km/h. Language skills Extras Explore 1 Free time 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv