English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

Explore reading: Bevan Summer School Talk in class. 1 Have you ever been on a language trip to an English-speaking country? 2 3 If not, would you like to go? Why? /Why not? What do you think are the benefits of time spent abroad? Read the leaflet about Bevan Summer School. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part (A–I) for each gap (1–6). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. TIP: Before you decide which heading is the correct one, read through the whole paragraph to get the overall meaning. Then analyse the options carefully. Wrong answers are often very similar to the correct ones! 35 36 Bevan Summer School (0) Bevan Summer School runs between July and September. It is an annual event that began over 100 years ago, offering a wide range of taster, day and week-long residential courses. (1) It is a summer school for secondary school students which gives you the opportunity to improve your English, learn new skills and meet new people. It’s held at the University of Bevan and easy to get to by public transport and car. Most of all, it’s great value for money, it’s friendly – and it’s fun! (2) Are you over 15? Then you’re welcome. We welcome students from all backgrounds – qualifications and experience don’t matter. We have highly trained staff members for students with learning disabilities and provide a great variety of exciting outdoor activities for the more adventurous among you. (3) The programme of courses is really varied – improve your English language skills, learn an instrument or find out more about photography, Tai Chi and many other things! Learning at Bevan Summer School is fun and will make you grow as a person. (4) We have lots of free social and cultural entertainment provided by a variety of different groups, with something for every taste. There are discos, parties, concerts, talks and workshops, not forgetting nightly dance sessions performed by our dance instructors. (5) We are just ten miles from Cardiff, the capital of Wales and a city alive with culture and great nightlife – just a short bus or train ride away. Locally, there are numerous places of historical and cultural interest – and the Brecon Beacons National Park is only a short drive away. (6) Students at the Summer School can stay on the University campus in modern and spacious rooms, each with their own toilets and showers and a maximum of two students sharing a room. A Will transport be provided? When does the Bevan Summer School take place? C What about the social life? D What about off-campus? E How many students can register? F Who can come? G Is there any accommodation? H What courses are on offer? I What is the Bevan Summer School? 0 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 16 Language skills Extras Explore 1 Free time Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv