English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

Explore writing: Formal and informal messages What do you think happens when people move to a new country or culture? Use the expressions on the right to make sentences using your own ideas. Example: At first life is difficult and you miss your home. Read the article. Do you agree with the ideas? Think about the questions. Then talk together, using the highlighted expressions in the article to help you. 1 Have you (or people you know) ever had culture shock? What happened? 2 What things do people usually like when they come to Austria? What things can be difficult for them? 3 Have you ever lived in a new place? What things were new for you? How did you feel about them? Did you get used to them? 4 Would you like to live or study somewhere else later on in life? Where would that be and why? At first … After a few days or weeks … After a while … 26 27 a Culture shock When people move to a foreign country, they often get culture shock. This has three different stages, though not everyone is in the new culture long enough to go through all three. Stage 1: At first, people often feel that the differences between the old and new culture are interesting and exciting. They may fall in love with the new foods, the lifestyle, people’s habits, the buildings, and so on. Stage 2: After a few days, weeks or months, many people start to have problems. They may think a lot about their old culture, and find it difficult to communicate with people. They miss the food from their own country, they feel that the lifestyle is too fast or too slow, they get angry at people’s habits, and so on. Stage 3: After a while, the new culture starts to feel ‘normal’ and not ‘new’. People understand that it has good and bad things to offer. They start thinking about day-to-day living, as they did in their original culture. b Look at the photo. What’s wrong with Cameron? How do you think he feels? Write down different illnesses and diseases that come to your mind. Read the texts. 1 What are Cameron’s plans for the next few days? 2 3 What are the names of his friends? What does he arrange to do next week? 28 Abigail: Hi Cam, do you want to meet up this evening? What about a barbecue? Love, Abbie Cameron: No … got a terrible headache. Feel like never getting out of bed again. Abigail: That’s a shame! John and Mia are coming too. What’s the matter with you? Cameron: Woke up with a terrible cold – feel awful. :-( Abigail: You poor thing! Are you going to come to school this week? Cameron: No, I need to stay at home for a few days. How about meeting at Finnegan’s Break next week? Abigail: Yes, next week will be good. Is it all right if I drop by tomorrow, or would you prefer to be alone? Cameron: We’ll see. Talk to you tomorrow. When you see John, could you tell him to give me a call? Abigail: Sure. No problem. Take care, A. :-) Cameron: See you. Informal message: Incomplete sentences Contracted forms Use of emojis Direct expression of emotions with exclamation marks Alternative closing phrases: Cheers, … Best, … CU, … Writing coach 29 Explore 14 Language skills Extras 1 Free time Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv