English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

What can you remember about Aretha Franklin? Match 1–7 with A–G to make sentences. 1 She was born A high school for less than two years. B Dr Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement in the 1960s. C the Presidential Medal of Freedom. D sing gospel as well as pop songs. E have 100 songs on Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. F from touring regularly because of her illness. G in America, during the Second World War. 2 She received 3 She wanted to 4 She moved to Detroit and attended 5 She became interested in 6 She was the first woman to 7 She retired In pairs, cover 1–7 and look at A–G. Can you remember the complete sentences? Prepare a short talk about the life of someone you know. Use the expressions in 14a and your own ideas. Listen to each other’s talks. Ask questions to find out more. Example: My grandfather was born in 1955. He was the first person in my family to go to university … Circle the correct expressions in these sentences. 1 Today I want to introduce / introducing Aretha Franklin to you. 2 As a young woman, Aretha Franklin enjoyed to play / playing the piano. 3 She did not seem to be interested in to study / studying because she dropped out of high school at the age of 12. 4 Aretha found it easy to sing / singing songs in different genres. Match the sentences 1–4 with these rules. Complete questions 1–5 with the verbs below. Use the infinitive or the gerund. Do you know anyone who: 1 decided a new career after they were 30? 2 practises English outside class? 3 finds it easy new languages? 4 is planning before they’re 60? 5 is thinking about to another country? 6 would like to become … 7 is interested in studying … 8 e njoys … 9 is hoping … 10 can’t stand … Complete 6–10 with your own ideas. In groups, ask and answer the questions in 17a. Find out more. 14 Vocabulary Life and achievements a b 15 a b 16 Grammar Infinitives and gerunds a b You can use infinitives with to (to go, to have, etc.): A after adjectives B after some verbs Some common verbs + the infinitive with to are: agree, decide, hope, learn, need, plan, want, would like. You can use gerunds (going, having, etc.): C after prepositions D after some verbs Some common verbs + the gerund are: enjoy, finish, practise, suggest, can’t stand. 1 Grammar reference and practice, p. 157 17 a learn move retire speak start b 18 Speaking Language skills Extras Explore 9 People and places 113 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv