English Unlimited HAK/HUM 1, Schulbuch

Lifestyle choices Complete sentences 1–3 with too much or enough. Then read the interview on p. 142 to check. 1 Although Jo didn’t have time to prepare for his interviews, they went really well. 2 Jo hopes he’ll have time to start filming soon. 3 Jo couldn’t pursue his singing career because his normal projects took up time. Match 1–3 with A–C. 1 enough A more than you need 2 not enough B what you need 3 too much C less than you need Look at Jo’s interview on p. 142 again and underline phrases containing (not) enough and too much. Put them into the three groups. More than you need What you need Less than you need Listen to Sue and Dan. 1 Who doesn’t get much sleep? 2 Who gets a lot? Can you remember what Sue and Dan said? Add too much, enough and not enough to the conversation. Sue: Do you think you get (1) sleep? Dan: No, not at the moment, because I’m revising for my exams. I only slept about four hours last night. Sue: Four hours? Poor you. That’s (2) . Dan: What about you? Sue: I usually sleep for about nine hours, probably ten at the weekend. And I’m always tired. Dan: Really? You know, I think that’s probably (3) sleep. I’m sure it’s not good if you get (4) . Sue: Yeah, you may be right. It’s nice, though! Think about how much: ■■ sleep you get. ■■ TV you watch. ■■ exercise you do. ■■ studying you do. ■■ fish you eat. ■■ coffee or energy drinks you have. Is it too much, not enough, or enough? Compare your ideas in groups. Example: A: I get about five hours’ sleep a night. B: That’s not enough! 3 a Vocabulary too much, enough, not enough b c 4 Listening s56e2w 57 5 6 Speaking a b Language skills Extras Explore 12 Choices 143 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv