Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

there will be no simple answer,” said Professor John Burn, head of the Institute of Human Genetics at Newcastle University. “What is useful about this is that it will allow us … 5 have been rewound with genuine embryonic stem cells, so we can assess which are best.” Although embryonic stem cells are considered by many scientists to have the most potential for future therapies, critics protest because human embryos are destroyed in the process. Any therapy that used only adult cells they argue would … 6 . The debate continues whether this research poses a promise, a threat or a mixed ethical picture for society. (Ian Sample, The Guardian ) A be ethically more acceptable 0 G B to compare cells that 1 C to replace those damaged by disease or injury 2 D be replaced by skin cells 3 E to generate the entire human body 4 F to devise therapies that 5 G to be unique in their versatility 6 H to exclude stem cells that I transplant them Questions on the text Go through the text again and find answers to the following questions: • What are the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of generating stem cells? • What is the aim of these scientists? • Why are these methods not acceptable for many people? Controversial issues Read the statements below and tick ( ✔ ) them if you agree or write a ✘ if you disagree with them. Decide spontaneously and try to explain why. 1. Couples should be allowed to use genetic engineering to make sure that they have a healthy baby. 2. Insurance companies should be allowed to use genetic testing before giving someone health or life insurance. 3. Sports officials should be allowed to use genetic testing of young athletes before supporting and sponsoring careers. Speaking: Therapeutic cloning? a) Prepare a talk about therapeutic cloning and its consequences and present it to the class. In your presentation, you should: • discuss the reasons for developing this method • analyse the ethical problems related to it • suggest how to solve the dilemma b) Compare your new insights with the views you put forward in the previous sections. Have you (not) changed your mind? ✔ 3 4 5 Useful phrases Debating First of all, … . • Next, … . • Finally, … . • As far as I’m concerned, … . • I’m sure you’d agree that … . • It’s obvious that … . • But don’t forget … . • I admit that … , but … . • I’m sorry but I don’t agree that … . • In fact, I’d go so far as to say … . • Yes, but obviously you can’t deny … . • It cannot be denied, however, that … . P 75 80 85 95 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv