Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Timeline: Science and technology Match the descriptions (1–12) and the pictures (A–L) with the dates on these two pages. Speaking: The biggest change in history With a partner, choose one invention, discovery or development from these two pages and discuss its impact on the history of mankind. In your discussion, you should: • describe this development • analyse why this development was so important • discuss what the world would be like without it 1 Word bank important • ground-breaking • revolutionary • innovative • hopeful • cutting-edge • radical • scary • disastrous • (un)realistic • (un)desirable • advanced • fascinating • to bring about change • to develop into • to research • to benefit from • to threaten • to transform • to exterminate • to destroy • pioneer • prospect • prediction • population growth • life expectancy • famine • space exploration • destruction W 2 ~ 4500 B.C. 17 th century 1616 1812 1903 1950–1980 A 3 In the so-called “Green Revolution” high-tech and artificial fertilisers are introduced to agriculture in develop- ing countries. E 1 “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” C 5 The blood circulation is discovered and described by Dr Harvey. B 4 Potatoes, originally from the New World, become an important source of food in Europe. F 2 The first mammal is cloned. D 6 The first commercial steam railway is opened. 90 Unit Internet resources r2c2f3 Science and technology 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv