Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Goals • Research historical dates. • Analyse texts about emigration. • Comment on the political situation in Ireland. • Do a scenic reading of a film script. Ireland – A timeline Work with the timeline above and the internet. The following bits of information each belong to one of the dates in the timeline. 2 commemoration of this day on 12 July every year (clashes between Catholics and Protestants) leaders of the uprising executed in Kilmainham Gaol The Ireland Act Henry VIII (founder of the Anglican Church) was king Henry II Ian Paisley elected First Minister of Northern Ireland Bloody Sunday 1950s 1960s 1969 1972 1981 1998 2007 2008–2012 Irish Republi­ can Army (IRA) starts campaign of violence with aim of uniting Ireland Civil rights campaign for equal rights for Northern Ireland Catholics; violence increases British troops sent to Northern Ireland 30 January: 13 unarmed civilians killed (“Bloody Sunday”); Northern Ireland Parliament suspended; direct rule from London IRA leader Bobby Sands dies on hunger strike in prison Good Friday Agreement, with commit­ ment of both Republicans and Unionists in Northern Ireland to end violence and share power Swearingin of new Northern Ireland Assembly Financial crisis hits Ireland hard 1985 AngloIrish Agreement gives Dublin voice in political debate Fact file Republic of Ireland Status: Independent republic, historically divided into four provinces (Leinster, Munster, Connacht, Ulster) Area: 70,280 km 2 Population (2016): 4.7 million Capital: Dublin Main religions (2016): Catholic 78.3%, Protestant 5% Currency: Euro Northern Ireland Status : Province of the United Kingdom, consists of six of the nine Ulster counties Area: 13,576 km 2 Population (2016): 1.8 million Capital: Belfast Main religions (2016): Protestant 48%, Catholic 40.8% Currency: Pound sterling F 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv