Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Language in use: Safe online shopping Read the text about the dangers of online shopping. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–8). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. Cyber Monday tips for safe online shopping With each passing year, more people are … 0 online rather than to the mall to get their holiday shopping done. It’s quite comfortable as you won’t … 1 time searching for a parking spot or fighting the crowds at the mall. But online shoppers need to beware of the dangers that come with the comfort of shopping from home. It can leave you … 2 to cybercriminals looking to empty your bank account or steal your identity. Taking steps to … 3 the fraud online will result in a much happier holiday for everyone – except, of course, for scammers and hackers. First, a computer should always have the most recent updates installed for spam filters, anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a … 4 firewall. Apart from that, you should only shop on trustworthy websites. Check on the seller’s … 5 and record for customer satisfaction. Always look for independent quality seals and other widely-recognised “trustmarks” on retailer websites and click on the seals to … 6 that they are valid. When shopping online, protect your personal information. Read the site’s privacy policy and understand what personal information is being requested and how it will be used. If there isn’t one posted, it should be taken as a red flag that personal information may be sold to others without … 7 . Finally, beware of deals that sound too good to be true. Offers on websites and in unsolicited e-mails often give extremely low prices on hard-to-get items. Always go with your instincts and don’t be … 8 to pass up a “deal” that might cost you dearly in the end. 0 A looking B heading ✘ C checking D purchasing 1 A waste B use C make D find 2 A vulnerable B responsive C emotive D impassable 3 A cross B maintain C avoid D promote 4 A tied B secure C fused D conservative 5 A application B navigation C nomination D reputation 6 A support B promise C justify D confirm 7 A proof B certification C permission D winnings 8 A prohibited B afraid C mislead D fooled 4 Speaking: Supermarket layout You are the manager of a new supermarket. Together with the head of marketing, you have to decide on how certain items should be displayed, and where they should be located. Discuss the following items: • baked goods • meat and dairy produce • fruit and vegetables • frozen goods • goods on promotion Decide what to do. 3 Can express his/her ideas and opinions with precision, present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly. (B2) 89 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv