Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Cook doesn’t mind saying what researchers are discovering: We’ll … 4 (easy) spend big money on expensive status symbols when hoping to heal emotional wounds because they signal to others that we’re … 5 (value) . Researcher Nathan Pettit explains that while buying luxury items may for a moment repair our egos, we still can’t bear the psychological pain of parting with our cash. So instead we’ll whip out our charge cards – which could have expensive interest rates – and postpone the … 6 (pay) . “Credit allows us a pain-free route to consume things that restore our egos,” he says. “So you have three things going on: you’re willing to buy expensive things, willing to pay more for them, and use a more expensive method of payment.” In … 7 (add) to high interest rates, card balances can cost you a good credit score, warns Ellen Siegel, an … 8 (independence) financial advisor in Miami. Simply being aware of your … 9 (decide) to shop for happiness, Nathan Pettit says, will make it less likely you’ll do so. And even if it doesn’t, you’ll exercise better … 10 (judge) about prices if you force yourself to pay in cash. Cy Cook, however, refuses to give up the retail rush in spite of all that. In an interview she said, “I told my son, ‘I bought that bag.’ And he said, ‘Mom, I’m glad because you’re happier when you buy stuff.’” 0 occasionally ✔ 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Choosing the right expressions Read the text about marketing to children. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Marketers target kids with technology Isabella Sweet is a … 0 . The fourth-grader spends almost an hour a day on the Webkinz … 1 . The site charms kids by … 2 Webkinz plush animals – of which she owns 18 – with online games that … 3 kids to earn and spend virtual money so they can create elaborate rooms for virtual versions of their Webkinz pets. The site does one more thing: It posts ads that … 4 kids with virtual currency when they click. Every time a kid clicks on an ad, there’s a virtual ka-ching at the other end for Ganz, which owns Webkinz. It used to be so simple. A well-placed TV … 5 on a Saturday-morning cartoon show or a kid-friendly image on a cereal box was all it took. No longer. The world of … 6 to kids has grown extremely … 7 and tech-heavy. Kids, who are spending less time watching TV and more time on computers or … 8 , are becoming … 9 online. “Marketers are constantly coming up with new ideas,” says Susan Linn, director of Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. With the growing use of smartphones and social media they have new avenues for targeting children that parents might miss. A commercial G responsibility 0 K 5 B complex H reward 1 6 C encourage I smartphones 2 7 D guidelines J targets 3 8 E linking K techie 4 9 F marketing L website 3 ✔ 87 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv