Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

7 Spot on language Say it in another way Rephrase the following sentences so that the word printed in bold is replaced by its equivalent noun, verb or adjective. Example: Nearly half of 8,684 consumers surveyed (  noun) in July said they would be spending less in general.  In a survey in July, nearly half of 8,684 consumers said they would be spending less in general. 1. Researcher Pam Goodfellow said that optimism (  adjective) for an economic rebound is fading. 2. But business has increased (  noun) quite a bit though the economy has hurt people so much. 3. Bargain shoppers headed to stores and malls before the sun rose (  noun) on Friday to nab specials on everything from toys to flatscreen TVs. 4. Gary Miller was on the hunt (  verb) for a 20inch TV that he had seen advertised (  noun) online. 5. He said he didn’t mind the crowded (  noun) stores on Friday morning. 6. A shopper and her sister argued (  noun) over who earned the spot at the head of the line. 7. Not everyone has the time and patience (  adjective) to brave the Black Friday crowds. 8. The internet is a great tool for price comparison (  verb), explains consumer advisor Regina Lewis. 9. The websites contained posts from shoppers wanting advice (  verb) on the cheapest stores in the neighbourhood. 10. With larger crowds, there’s always the possibility (  adjective) for problems. Word formation Read the text about shopping. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–10). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Shopping for happiness Experts say … 0 (occasion) spending on status to soothe your ego might be fine if it’s … 1 (afford) . But what about Cy Cook? Her handbag … 2 (collect) is valuable enough to be considered a marital asset in her pending divorce by the courts. But it’s the very demise of her … 3 (marry) that’s got Cook itching to spend $2,600 on a designer bag (her third, by the way) in pop pink. 1 2 86 Big money Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv