Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

3 Which sentence is true about marketing to children in the UK? a) The advertising industry usually doesn’t target children. b) Adverts for foods high in salt, fat or sugar must not be shown on TV. c) Advertising agencies have to follow specific rules for marketing to children. d) It is too expensive to use traditional media for marketing to children. 4 Why do some companies provide internet sites with cartoons and games for children? a) Because schools are more likely to promote the products then. b) Because they try to bypass the law. c) Because children don’t watch TV as often as they used to. d) Because more and more parents prefer products they have seen online. 5 What is the problem with the popular social network Bebo? a) They promote dubious claims, e.g. that savoury snacks are healthier than fruit. b) 20% of all primary school children regularly buy products they have seen on Bebo. c) They have been accused of having accepted inappropriate advertising offers. d) They often cooperate with companies whose marketing targets at children. Reading: Online marketing campaigns a) Read the short texts below that give examples of marketing strategies targeted at children. While reading, highlight sentences that explain what children are actually asked to do when participating in one of the programmes described and summarise each text in one sentence. b) In pairs, prepare and act out a dialogue between a worried mother/father and a representative of one of the companies introduced above. After having read the leaflet, the concerned mother/father calls the company to confront them with their dubious marketing tactics. Discuss the following points: • ethics and moral standards • extent/restriction of TV or internet usage • next steps the parent plans to take 3 85 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv