Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

The faces of Ireland a) What information do the pictures and the fact file on these two pages give you about Ireland? b) Look at the map on page 9: The Irish border is the boundary between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (which is part of the United Kingdom). Which problems might come up with a border like this? 1 Word bank mass emigration • the Potato Famine • starvation • economic boom • the Troubles • the Celtic tiger • shamrock/clover • harp • the “craic” • Irish Gaelic • Emerald Isle • multi-party negotiations W 12 th century 16 th century 17 th century 1916 1921 1949 First incursions by England; Ulster (northern part of island) conquered in 1177 Colonisation increases again after the English expansion had halted and reversed in the 14 th –15 th centuries; rebellions quelled Start of “Plantation of Ulster”, systematic colonisation by settlers from England and Scotland; after English Civil War Cromwell conquers whole of Ireland The “Easter Rising”, uprising in Dublin against British rule; defeat and execution of leaders Partition of Ireland; home rule for mainly Catholic Irish Free State in south; mainly Protestant north remains part of UK, but with own parliament Irish Free State becomes full republic 1690 Protestant King William of Orange defeats deposed King James at the Battle of the Boyne to confirm claim to English throne and Ireland The British-Irish relationship 8 Unit Internet resources a272ji Ireland 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv