Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Money makes the world go round With a partner, finish the following sentences. Copy them on a piece of paper and put it up in your classroom. • • When I hear the word “money”, I … . • • Life without money would be … . • • Money is/isn’t the root of all evil because … . • • Money can/can’t buy happiness because … . • • It is/isn’t important to earn a lot of money because … . • • The best way of making a lot of money is … . • • People with a lot of money are … . 1 Word bank account • affluent • bank statement • bankrupt • bargain • broke • budget • currency • debt • generous • gross/net income • hard-up • income • income tax • inheritance • instalments • interest (rate) • mean • mortgage • pension • poor • profit • property • prosperous • refund • rich • rise • scholarship • stingy • tip • to put towards • to make ends meet • to pay back • valuable • waste of money • wealth • well-off W » A fool and his money are soon parted. « » A penny saved is a penny earned. « » Cut your coat according to your cloth. « » Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. « 78 Unit Internet resources 4ww7iw Big money 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv