Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Rebellion and response Reading: Hero – Tariq Jahan Read the text about an extraordinary personality below. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–I) for each gap (1–6). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 1 In a statement during the parliamentary debate on the riots, Tariq Jahan was described as “the true face of Britain”. … 0 was as dignified and considered as that of Tariq Jahan. If only the politicians’ reaction had been half as statesmanlike and articulate as this 46-year-old van driver and father of three, … 1 . He made our political elite look petty and small. Let’s recall the horrific circumstances that thrust Mr Jahan into the news. At the very worst point of the riots, various communities were taking it upon themselves to protect their homes and businesses, as an overstretched police force were absent. … 2 In Winson Green in Birmingham, the Asian community was doing the same. In the early hours of the morning, a car mounted the pavement at speed and drove deliberately at a group of young Asians guarding a row of shops. Three men were hit. Tariq Jahan was also there. He saw the three lying where they had been hit. His instinct was to help and he did. … 3 he realised that one of those that were hit was his son. Covered in his son’s blood he administered CPR. Alas, to no avail. Haroon along with Shahzdad Ali and Abdul Musavir all died. … 4 The police feared that this incident could lead to inter-community violence in Birmingham. At a vigil organised on the next day for the three young men who died, Tariq Jahan in an almost Mandela-like performance said this: “Today, we stand here to call for all the youth to remain calm, for our communities to stay united. I have lost my son – if you want to lose yours, step forward, otherwise calm down and go home.” Tariq Jahan had every right to be angry. … 5 Instead in one extraordinary statement he diffused the whole situation. The reaction to the statement among the young men who heard it said it all. One is reported as having said, “We should march peacefully.” To which the response was, “But it won’t stay peaceful. I know my brothers.” They dispersed. … 6 in the way that Tariq Jahan has, we would be in a far far better place. The only thing Tariq Jahan got wrong is when he said in a later interview that he was “no hero”. (George East, All that’s left ; adapted) A It was only when he got closer to assist, that 0 B B If only the majority reaction to the events in Birmingham 1 C The driver was from the same ethnic group. 2 D He had every right to want immediate justice for what had happened to his son. 3 E If only our political leaders were able to rise to the occasion 4 F The driver was alleged to be of AfroCaribbean origin. 5 G in the wake of losing his youngest son, Haroon. 6 H If only the police had reacted to this situation I The Turkish community was doing so in Dalston and Stoke Newington. Discussion a) Go through the text again and highlight the most important passages. b) Comment on the passages you have selected and explain why you think they are important. c) Do your own research on Tariq Jahan and find out what he has been doing since 2011. ✔ 2 75 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv