Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

6 The American Dream Background a) Read the texts below and look up the words and expressions you do not know. b) Research the biographies of the people who delivered these statements. c) Summarise the main concepts of the American Dream. Video: Another American Dream – Tammy’s story a) Watch this video on the downsides of the American Dream and take notes on the following aspects: • the overall situation • reasons why these people live the way they do • possible solutions to their problems b) Sum up your notes in a one-minute statement. 1 The American Dream is something that every immi­ grant brought to this country, as my parents did, and that is the ability to go as far as you can in life, limited only by your own dreams and willingness to work hard. And above all, the American Dream for these folks meant that your children will have the opportunity to do better than you will. General Colin Powell (former Secretary of State) The American Dream is equal protection under the law and equal opportunity. The American Dream does not promise equal results, but it does promise equal opportunity. The Reverend Jesse Jackson (civil rights activist and political leader) The American Dream, whether attainable or not, is to have freedom, freedom in all things. To go as far as ambition impels us, in work, in play, and religion and even in love. Maya Angelou (author and civil rights activist) The American Dream is ownership … a house, a car, a vacation home and, even better, your own business. Mario Batali (famous chef) The American Dream is about fulfilling your potential to the max. It’s not a chase for material goods; it’s about learning what inspires you in life and creating a plan to turn it into your life’s work. The way to achieve the dream is to follow the plan and pay attention to the details, because it’s those details that make or break you. Tyra Banks (supermodel and host of America’s Next Top Model ) 2 3 72 The individual and society Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv