Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

5 Writing: A blog comment You have come across a blog that deals with global superpowers. The post on the right especially catches your attention. You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should • analyse global challenges • discuss international cooperation • evaluate the assumption that world leadership is an outdated hope Write around 250 words . 1 by MaryDeje1999 World leadership The interconnectedness of the world, thanks to instant communications, has surely contributed to the idea that a single, inspirational leader would be an asset: a “take me to your leader” syndrome. But perhaps the opposite is now true: World leadership is an outdated hope. Can express news and views effectively in writing, and relate to those of others. (B2) Reading: NGOs at work in China Read the text about charity work in China, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–4. Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. New breakthrough for grassroots charity groups 2 The government is set to make it easier for civil societies involved in charitable works to register in a move that will advance China’s social development, a senior civil affairs official said. Many civil societies are currently unregistered and operate outside the law since under current regulations, a civil society cannot register without a government agency supervising its work. “Few [agencies] want an attachment to a civil society for fear of potential trouble and the assumed political agenda behind their operation,” said Thomas Cai, who heads AIDS Care China, a Guangzhou-­ based civil organisation that provides support to AIDS patients and their families. Therein lies a problem. Such an unattached organisation, called a grassroots charity, cannot legally collect money. And donations are the blood that courses through a charity’s caring heart. To raise a considerable amount of money, it is very important for charities to cooperate with companies to support their programmes. In this respect, governmental charities still enjoy dominance, yet as non-governmental organisations keep expanding, some leading companies started to work with grassroots NGOs. A foreign corporate social responsibility manager who did not want to be identified told China Daily that the Beijing-based multinational company where the manager works is converting to smaller charitable organisations. Lack of professional management by some large charities is the main reason. “I really like small NGOs with efficient management. Just as in global companies there is huge waste, so is in global NGOs. When the team is small and committed, the output is focused and credible,” the manager said. Dou, the Civil Affairs vice-minister, didn’t provide a timetable last week for the enactment of the new regulation. “It’s still under revision and discussion at the State Council.” But the ministry has been working toward a revision of the registration rules since 2009. “It’s time to involve grassroots power in charity works,” said Wang Zhenyao, chief of Beijing Normal University’s One Foundation Community Research Institute. “It’s unrealistic for the government to take care of everything.” (Wang Yan, Shan Juan and Zhang Yuchen, China Daily ; adapted and abridged) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 64 One world Check-out Now you can • Talk about the UN and its tasks and challenges. • Describe some of the UN’s organisations. • Explain the work of NGOs. • Discuss ways to sensitise people against violence. • Talk about superpowers and their responsibilities. • Use formal and informal English accordingly. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv