Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

5 Spot on language Formal English I Read the article written in formal English. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–8). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. A superpower … 0 a state which plays a vital and … 1 role in international relations and dominates many of the major decisions concerning events and projects worldwide. In order to be a superpower a nation should have an … 2 military, a strong economy and notable international political power. … 3 to this, it is also important that a strong national ideology is present. It has often been questioned as to how the superpowers … 4 their dominating positions. It would seem as though the … 5 of the two superpowers, Russia and the United States, can be … 6 to World War II. To a large extent the results of World War II … 7 these two superpowers to gain such a … 8 increase in power. 0 A was B is ✘ C had been D is being 1 A leading B guiding C giving D telling 2 A overpowering B underestimated C inconvenient D eliminated 3 A connective B attracted C related D providing 4 A concluded B established C became D put together 5 A occasion B property C editing D development 6 A gone B found C traced D detected 7 A enabled B brought C designated D liberated 8 A pitiful B recognisable C probable D sensible Formal English II Read the text about the UN. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–M) for each gap (1–10). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. The UN – and the world as a whole – are … 0 as being rather complicated. The … 1 of us is no longer so black and white. You will know that our world of … 2 and global challenges is exactly the environment in which our United Nations should … 3 because these are challenges that no country can … 4 on its own. I will now outline a few of the most … 5 priorities facing us today. They are huge challenges – and every bit as … 6 and historic as those which … 7 our founders. Firstly, we must step up and take action to confront the tragedy of Darfur. The human toll of the ongoing crisis is … 8 , and the world can no longer accept … 9 delays in the peace process. The … 10 cycle of violence has been allowed to continue for far too long. A complex H perception 0 M 6 B confronted I pressing 1 7 C consideration J resolve 2 8 D defining K thrive 3 9 E devastating L tragic 4 10 F further M viewed 5 G ideology 1 2 ✔ 62 One world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv