Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

“The idea is to get to common ground,” said Monica, an Egyptian teenager. “Even if you don’t agree, … 2 that it exists.” She, like many other campers, prefers to be identified only by first name. Amit, an Israeli, said the camp allows youngsters from countries in conflict to overcome their differences and accept each other for what they are. “This is something that happens only in Seeds of Peace, where you have an Israeli, a Palestinian, a Pakistani, an Indian and an Afghan all sleeping in the same bunk, laughing at the same joke. This is so unique,” he said. Seeds of Peace was founded in 1993 by journalist John Wallach, a longtime foreign correspondent for the Hearst newspapers and co-author of two books about the Middle East. Wallach, who died in 2002, sought to provide youngsters from countries in conflict with leadership skills and training … 3 . Nearly 4,000 youngsters ranging in age from 14 to 16 have gone through the programme. They spend three weeks swimming and canoeing, playing basketball and soccer, and talking about weighty issues like war and peace with … 4 . The nonprofit programme, funded largely by donors with some government grant money, is based in New York and has offices in Israel, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian territories. Since 2001, it also has been bringing children from South Asia. The 147 campers at the first of this summer’s two sessions are from Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the West Bank and the United States. The session opened Wednesday … 5 to the lakeside camp. One by one, representatives of the eight delegations addressed campers and visitors, then led in the singing of their respective national anthems as their flags were hoisted up the poles. Camp director Leslie Lewin … 6 barriers of mistrust and hatred. “I have the privilege of working with people who are motivated, smart and inspirational. If you’re with them, you have no choice but to be hopeful,” she said. ( ; adapted) A bunkmates from countries they have been taught to regard as the enemy 0 F B his Seeds of Peace experience helped him to be a more responsible soldier 1 C hopes for peace in the region may seem difficult to sustain 2 D with the traditional flagraising ceremony outside the gate 3 E what you have to accept about the other opinion is 4 F and possibly lay the groundwork for peace in the Middle East 5 G believes the campers are developing relationships that can break down 6 H that the experience was initially so uncomfortable I that can promote reconciliation and coexistence b) Read the article again and locate the following information: • Where do the campers come from? • Which activities are part of the programme? • How does the camp achieve the aim of reconciling young people from conflicting peoples? c) According to your opinion, what is the most convincing feature of the programme? Do you think “Seeds of Peace” can achieve its aims? Why or why not? Writing: An essay “Seeds of peace” has started an essay writing competition about conflicts and peace. Participants should send in essays comment­ ing on a quote by a famous peace activist. You decide to take part. In your essay you should: • explain why you agree/don’t agree with the comment on the right • compare everyday conflicts among young people with combat and war • discuss alternative ways of dealing with conflicts Give your essay a title . Write around 400 words . ✔ 3 “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” Jeannette Rankin (1880–1973, US peace activist) 10 15 20 25 61 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv