Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

5 Seeds of peace An NGO at work “Seeds of Peace” is a peace building youth organisation, which is based in New York City. It was founded in 1993. The main programme of the organisation is an annual international camp in Maine, US, for young people from areas of conflict. a) Look at the part of the website of “Seeds of Peace” below and answer the following questions: • What message does this NGO present about itself in words and images? • Does this part arouse your interest in visiting the other pages of the website? Why or why not? b) View the trailer of the “Seeds of Peace” documentary and copy quotations about the camp you regard as noteworthy and significant for the programme. c) Visit the “Seeds of Peace” website and find out more about the following issues: d) Would you like to go to one of the camps for a holiday? Why or why not? Reading: Impressions from the Seeds of Peace summer camp a) Read the text about a special summer camp for young people . Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–I) for each gap (1–6). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Israelis, Palestinians sow seeds of peace at US summer camp Israeli and Palestinian teenagers have come together at a summer camp in the western Maine woods to make new friendships, understand each other’s dreams and fears, … 0 . After January’s bloody fighting in the Gaza Strip, … 1 . But as Seeds of Peace welcomed Israelis, Palestinians and teenagers from six other countries to its 17 th annual free summer camp last week, the spirit of optimism that has taken root at the 67-acre site along Pleasant Lake seems as strong as ever. 1 Empowering Leaders of the Next Generation Treaties are negotiated by governments. Peace is made by people. Seeds of Peace is doing what no government can. It is sowing the seeds of peace among the next generation of “The success of Seeds of Peace will mean a brighter future for the region and the world.” Former US President William Jefferson Clinton “The youngsters at Seed of Peace are my symbol of coexistence and peace in the region.” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas leaders. >>READ MORE>> 2 its main aim and methods its main programmes what skills a volunteer should have competencies and attitudes it is hoping to build in the participants 2 5 60 One world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv