Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Texts Skills practice Listening Speaking Unit 6 p. 66 The individual and society • • Network for Good • • Single and happy – It’s the freemales • • The American Dream • • A glimpse of Hazel’s life • • Hero – Tariq Jahan • • What’s wrong with today’s youth? • • Taking notes • • Watching a video • • Listening for gist • • Listening for specific information • • Discussing statistical data • • Pair discussion • • Presenting research findings Unit 7 p. 78 Big money • • Supermarket secrets • • Shopping madness • • Online marketing campaigns • • Listening for specific information • • Talking about pictures • • Talking about quotations • • Pair interview • • Speculating about the contents of a text • • Talking about graphs • • Pair dialogue Unit 8 p. 90 Science and technology • • The new voyeur • • How stem cells can turn back the biological clock • • Tracking internet users • • Listening for specific information • • Pair discussion • • Analysing a situation • • Spoken presentation Unit 9 p. 100 Ideals and reality • • At times I feel like a plastic Paki • • The language police • • Europeans think climate change is worse than financial turmoil • • Slavery • • Listening for specific information • • Summarising a recording • • Comparing and contrast­ ing pictures • • Comparing and contrast­ ing quotations • • Presenting research findings • • Talking about a tag cloud • • Speculating about the contents of a text • • Describing a diagram Unit 10 p. 112 Lifelong learning • • First “free schools” to open • • “Gap year” before college gives grads valuable life experience • • How to write a personal statement • • Don’t reduce student loans • • Listening for specific information • • Pair discussion • • Reporting • • Presenting research findings • • Class discussion • • Pair discussion Internet resources i2895h Internet resources 4ww7iw Internet resources r2c2f3 Internet resources v4v7qu Internet resources vi522q p. 144 Exam preparation p. 205 Solutions to the Check-out pages p. 124 Semester self-checks 6 Table of contents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv