Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

4 Soldiers from the African Union and the UN will … to bring peace to the Sudan. 5 The conflict in the Middle East concerns not only the region but is a … . 6 According to Ban Kimoon, the UN cannot … worldwide. b) Listen again and write down what Ban Ki-moon saw as the world’s most pressing global challenges in 2007. c) Imagine Ban was using a projector to give listeners some visual aids to assist them in their understanding of global challenges. Put together the relevant points, sub-points and images. d) How does the UN work for peace in the world? Give a short statement in the role of a UN student representative. In your statement, cover the following aspects: • describe challenges in a changing world • talk about the possibilities the UN has in contrast to single countries • contrast the need for military intervention and the need for humanitarian work The Ban Ki-moon rap In 2008, rapper JayZ was honoured for his work with the project Water for Life at a gala held by the UN Associa­ tion. To honour him and the other award winners, Ban Kimoon delivered part of his speech as a rap. a) Read the lyrics of Ban Ki-moon’s rap and fill in the missing words: b) Which UN projects are mentioned? In which areas does the UN get involved worldwide? c) Try to find a video of the rap online and watch it. After watching, answer the following questions: • How do you like the rap? • How does it differ from a rap delivered by a professional rapper? • What do you think of Ban Ki-moon’s idea to rap despite being a serious diplomat? 2.3 3 stem ahead down burner life gloooobal doers good cinch without salvation Global Classrooms are a 1 with the help of Merrill Lynch. When you put the org in Google, partnerships go truly 2 . There is hope for Earth’s 3 with the Cisneros Foundation. With Jay-Z there’s double strife, life for children and water for 4 . Human health will get 5 with the valiant work of (RED). For the poor and doing 6 stays the job of Robin Hood. UN stays on the front 7 thanks to our champ Ted Turner. And whole revolutions 8 from the work of UNIFEM. But tonight my special shout-out goes to one I can’t do 9 . We have travelled up and 10 Frisco, Atlanta, Chicago town. Yes, the king of all the 11 is my trusty friend Bill Luers. 59 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv