Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

85 90 0 Moving to Italy proved to be difficult for Dr Dong, because he … . didn’t speak Italian ✔ 1 He thought Canada was a good country to immigrate because … opportunities than Italy. 2 He went to Canada because he wanted … . 3 He still remembers that … to make him feel welcome when he and his wife arrived. 4 With an active vocabulary of only about 100 English words he found … . 5 After six months of training he was able … . 6 As he had studied in Mandarin and Japanese he thought it was better … in Canada again. Discussing the text a) Analyse the reasons why Dr Dong went to Canada. b) Comment on his view of immigrants. c) Describe the reaction of his new home country to his arrival. d) Comment on the style of the text. Research: How to immigrate to Canada a) Go on the internet and find out as much as you can about the Canadian immigration regulations. Use the words “immigration” + “Canada” as search items. b) Read the texts and watch the videos you have found and find out how Canada approaches prospective immigrants. c) Design a poster that contains all the necessary information and the contact details for people who want to live in Canada for good. Panel discussion: Immigration in your country In a panel discussion compare the way in which Canada deals with immigrants with the way in which immigrants are treated in your country. • What are the similarities? • What are the differences? • Which approach seems to be more rewarding for both, the country and the newcomers? 3 4 5 medicine degree after immigrating to Canada. According to him, it would have been very difficult to cope with studying in English for he had studied in Mandarin and Japanese back home. He also strongly feels the ancient medicine from his native land is in no way inferior to Western medicine and that it needed to be promoted here in Canada. (Gloria Elayadathusseril, Canadian Immigrant ; adapted) 47 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv