Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

A long winding road a) With a partner, choose two pictures from these two pages and comment on them. Consider the following points: • messages the pictures convey • possible reasons why they were chosen for these pages • reasons why you have chosen the pictures b) Invent a biography of one of the people depicted and write a short paragraph about them. Do not forget to specifically refer to the picture. c) Compare your biographies and discuss similarities and differences. 1 Word bank to show • to seem to be • to appear to be • visa application • residency • to apply for • to be arrested • to be removed • to be extradited • to be charged with • to be refused asylum • bureaucracy • border controls • to guard sth. • badly paying jobs • to exploit sb. • to take advantage of • desperate • poverty W Aliens removed by nationality (US, 2015) Country Number removed Total 129,122 Mexico 40,394 Canada 22,538 Philippines 20,423 People’s Republic of China 12,782 Ukraine 2,659 India 2,380 Burma 2,012 Russia 1,490 South Korea 1,183 Turkey 1,093 All other countries 22,155 (US Department of Homeland Security) Participants at an outdoor citizenship ceremony, Tasmania, Australia 44 Unit Internet resources be3a7d Migration 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv