Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Language in use: Transsexuality Read the text about a woman who has undergone gender reassignment surgery. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1 –10) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. The transition to her real self 3 The past couple of years were momentous for Barbara (name changed) – she was finally able to reveal her true self at work. Barbara is transsexual. She was born … 0 but knew from an early age that she was different. She has always felt like a … 1 . In 2010, she started appearing as a woman in her personal life, and the next year she started going to work as a woman. It’s been a real change for both her and her colleagues, some of … 2 had known her for more than 23 years as a man. She had wanted to transition, i.e. move from one gender to another, earlier. She had reached a point where she felt she didn’t have a … 3 . She was severely depressed and knew she had to transition in order to be happy. In May 2011, Barbara contacted the diversity programme manager of her company’s headquarters in Houston and told him about her plan. He contacted the management and, to her … 4 , told her later she had their full support. In November 2011, she fully transitioned both in her professional and her personal life, living exclusively as a woman. She also started … 5 female hormones. Shortly afterward, she changed her … 6 legally. After years of being ashamed of her feelings she had finally come to terms with who she was. Not all transsexuals undergo gender reassignment surgery, sometimes also called sex-change surgery, when they choose to live as the opposite sex. Barbara, though, had the surgery in December 2011 and … 7 to work in January 2012. Every relationship changes when a person transitions. People view them differently afterwards, … 8 at work or in their personal life. Most co-workers have … 9 her, but not all. Sometimes, on the elevator, she feels people’s discomfort. A few employees ignore her greeting or glare at her as she walks by. She’s not offended, though, and she doesn’t have hard feelings toward them because she realises they just don’t understand her. If they got to know her, they would realise that she’s just another … 10 , like everyone else. Barbara is happy with her decision and has no regrets whatsoever. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 male ✔ 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 43 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv