Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Using vivid language a) What is the difference between these three verbs? b) Fill in the correct verbs. There are two verbs for each sentence. 1. If you feel pain, you or you . 2. If you feel frightened, you or you . 3. If you feel joyful, you or you . 4. If you are proud of something, you or you . 5. If you are sad, you or you . 6. If you are in despair, you or you . 7. If you are dissatisfied, you or you . 8. If you are aggressive, you or you . c) Write a sentence with each of the following words, all of which are onomatopoeic (having a sound that suggests their meaning). You can choose whether to use the words literally or metaphorically, and whether to use them as verbs or nouns. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1. splash: 2. whack: 3. flash: 4. rustle: 5. sizzle: 6. clunk: 7. wriggle: 8. whizz: Using similes Create pictures with similes. Complete these sentences with appropriate imaginative ideas. 1. Snow covered the whole valley, like . 2. His anger rose inside him, like . 3. The challenge seemed impossible, like . 4. Raindrops hung in the spider’s web, like . 5. She lived her life influenced by others, like . 6. He stood paralysed by fear, like . 7. Their marriage had become a little boring, like . 3 Tip When writing, you should always try to produce strong, clear images for the reader. Instead of using simple verbs like to say, to go, to speak , etc. look up new words in the dictionary. T mutter whisper mumble beg threaten stutter weep scold groan yell laugh cheer scream sigh boast cry snarl brag complain 4 Tip A simile is a figure of speech in which two things are explicitly compared. T 41 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv