Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Texts Skills practice Listening Speaking Unit 1 p. 8 Ireland • • Bernard O’Donoghue: “Westering Home” • • The Pogues: “Thousands are sailing” • • Sinn Fein has hijacked the history of Ulster • • Film script: Once • • Ireland 25 years ago and today • • Identifying the Irish accent • • Listening for specific information • • Taking notes • • Describing pictures • • Summarising song lyrics • • Speculating about the content of a film Unit 2 p. 20 Saving the planet • • Let’s not worry about climate change! • • Sustainable cities • • Climate change takes its toll on Scotland • • Comparing video with text • • Listening for specific information • • Taking notes • • Talking about quotations • • Presenting research findings • • Pair discussion Unit 3 p. 32 Gender issues • • Television • • A short history of the women’s rights movement • • The Beat Generation • • Twins • • Vital statistics • • Listening for specific information • • Describing pictures • • Talking about statistics • • Discussing gender roles • • Analysing advertisements • • Presenting an advertise­ ment or a commercial • • Pair discussion • • Class discussion • • Giving a short presentation Unit 4 p. 44 Migration • • Attentive acupuncturist • • Interview – Part 1 • • A brief history: The Empire Windrush • • Two opposing views • • Listening for specific information • • Taking notes while watching videos • • Pair discussion • • Panel discussion • • Group discussion • • Spoken presentation Unit 5 p. 56 One world • • The Ban Ki-moon rap • • Impressions from the Seeds of Peace summer camp • • NGOs at work in China • • Listening for specific information • • Taking notes while watching a video • • Talking about pictures • • Giving a short statement • • Presenting research findings • • Pair discussion Internet resources a272ji Internet resources ap4658 Internet resources ke4jc9 Internet resources be3a7d Internet resources 85y5ns 4 Table of contents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv