Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

2 More women are shown a) in general TV drama. b) in cartoons. c) in leading roles. d) in traditional roles. 3 On TV, a) women and homosexuals are mostly unseen. b) offcamera commentaries in films are mostly spoken by men. c) homosexuals are presented as satisfied with their lives. d) female voices promoting feminine products are more trustworthy. 4 Men a) are as good at multitasking as women. b) are more sociable during viewing than women. c) are more attentive while viewing a film. d) enjoy listening to authoritative voices on TV. 5 Women a) are less likely to watch banal and mediocre comic shows. b) generally favour entertaining programmes. c) watch fewer reality TV shows than men. d) are rather focused on nonfiction when watching TV. b) Discuss and explain why gender roles are often portrayed in this way, and why men and women differ in their viewing preferences. Advertising Advertising is part of our everyday lives. It is interesting how strategies and individual advertisements are designed to influence people. The following information is useful for dealing with tasks that involve either the analysis or the creation of advertisements or commercials. a) Take a look at the anti-fur advertisement above and analyse it according to the strategies introduced above. b) Create an advertisement or commercial yourself and present it in class. 2 Tip Advertising strategies In printed advertisements or radio/TV commercials, the AIDA strategy is often used. AIDA stands for: ATTENTION: the advertisement should attract immediate attention, e.g. by using a surprising eye or ear catcher. INTEREST: the advertisement should arouse further interest, e.g. with a new slogan or an unusual layout. DESIRE: the advertisement appeals to a special desire or need, e.g. the need for health or comfort. ACTION: the advertisement asks the target group to take a desired action, e.g. to buy the product or donate money. The AIDA strategy is often used to • • introduce a new product (e.g. a car with very low fuel consumption) • • create a new brand image for a company or product • • get a message across to a target group The KISS strategy recommends to KEEP IT SHORT and SIMPLE . The PPPP strategy demands that an advert should contain a PICTURE , a PROMISE , some PROOF and a PUSH to act. T 35 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Ei entum des Verlags öbv