Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Solutions (Check-out-pages and Exam preparation) Exercise 2 1: a happy holiday season, 2: thousands of years ago, 3: change their advertising campaign, 4: In a prison, 5: offending others Unit 10, pages 122–123 Exercise 2 1: make it easier, 2: after their college years, 3: ruin/ damage, 4: profitable, 5: in an irresponsible way/ irresponsibly, 6: shut out/driven out Exercise 4 1: only, 2: don’t, 3: ✔ , 4: hardly, 5: home, 6: ✔ , 7: the, 8: own, 9: ✔ Exam preparation, pages 145–149 Exercise 1 1: carried out a study, 2: of stroke, 3: health problems, 4: a diet, 5: difficulties with Exercise 2 1: G, 2: D, 3: B, 4: C, 5: H, 6: I Exercise 3 1: A, 2: C, 3: B, 4: B Exercise 4 1: F (With so many different), 2: F (In addition, the arti- cle), 3: T (What will happen is), 4: T (These papers will have), 5: F (There are people that), 6: T (This will be a) Exam preparation, pages 150–152 Exercise 1 1: not to judge/to accept, 2: go together, 3: been attacked, 4: Muslim groups, 5: mistakes have been made, 6: cope with/come to terms with Exercise 2 1: D, 2: B, 3: H, 4: J, 5: K, 6: A, 7: F, 8: G Exercise 3 1: B, 2: B, 3: D, 4: B, 5: D Exam preparation, pages 153–156 Exercise 1 1: D, 2: J, 3: M, 4: L, 5: I, 6: C, 7: E, 8: G, 9: A, 10: K Exercise 2 1: look, 2: face, 3: place, 4: need, 5: viewers, 6: illus- trates, 7: interesting, 8: straight, 9: grown, 10: part Exercise 3 1: denying, 2: responsible, 3: universally, 4: efficient, 5: infectious, 6: coastal, 7: loss, 8: failure, 9: solutions Exercise 4 1: ✔ , 2: among, 3: motion, 4: ✔ , 5: in, 6: eventually, 7: ✔ , 8: though, 9: ✔ , 10: about Exercise 5 1: C, 2: D, 3: C, 4: A, 5: B, 6: B, 7: D, 8: C Unit 1, pages 18–19 Exercise 1 1: F, 2: G, 3: H, 4: A, 5: C Exercise 3 1: one, 2: with, 3: out, 4: the, 5: ✔ , 6: for, 7: around, 8: to, 9: with, 10: ✔ , 11: to, 12: for, 13: ✔ , 14: in, 15: been, 16: not, 17: ✔ Unit 2, pages 30–31 Exercise 2 1: A, 2: E, 3: D, 4: H, 5: B Exercise 3 1: F (Rising levels of winter), 2: F (A rise in tempera- tures), 3: T (Scotland’s biodiversity is under), 4: T (Flowers such as snowdrops), 5: F (Dr Campbell Gemmell, who), 6: T (I think the debate) Unit 3, pages 42–43 Exercise 3 1: female, 2: whom, 3: choice, 4: surprise, 5: taking, 6: name, 7: returned, 8: whether, 9: accepted, 10: person Unit 4, page 55 Exercise 1 1: B, 2: D, 3: C, 4: B, 5: C Unit 5, pages 64–65 Exercise 2 1: C, 2: D, 3: D, 4: A Exercise 3 1: get, 2: ✔ , 3: in, 4: prove, 5: and, 6: ✔ , 7: attendant, 8: ✔ , 9: knowledge, 10: finally Unit 6, page 77 Exercise 3 1: F, 2: D, 3: B, 4: G, 5: C, 6: H, 7: A Unit 7, pages 88–89 Exercise 1 1: pay (the) full price, 2: getting a bargain, 3: has improved, 4: for outlet centres, 5: get to know Exercise 3 1: A, 2: A, 3: C, 4: B, 5: D, 6: D, 7: C, 8: B Unit 8, pages 98–99 Exercise 3 1: under, 2: However, 3: ✔ , 4: set, 5: ever, 6: ✔ , 7: designer, 8: over, 9: more, 10: ✔ Exercise 4 1: C, 2: A, 3: D, 4: A, 5: B, 6: D, 7: B Unit 9, pages 110–111 Exercise 1 1: B , 2: F, 3: D, 4: H, 5: A 205 Vocabulary Words in blue: These words/phrases are the most important ones, the core vocabulary. You should learn them first. Words in black: These words/phrases are additional vocabulary, which will further help you to improve your language skills. Ireland 1 Celtic Tiger !*keltIk *taIGE? During the time of rapid economic growth from 1995–2007, Ireland was often called the Celtic Tiger . Keltischer Tiger shamrock/clover The three-leaved clover is the symbol of Ireland. Kleeblatt 2 incursion Over the centuries, Ireland could not resist the incursions of the British. Einbruch, feindlicher Einfall to conquer After Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492, the Spanish conquered the territories he had discovered. erobern to quell !kwel? The riot was successfully quelled . unterdrücken, niederschlagen to depose The dictator was deposed in 2004. absetzen to confirm Could you please confirm your e-mail address? bestätigen uprising The non-violent uprisings in Northern Africa ended the dictatorships in Egypt and Tunisia. Aufstand defeat Another defeat for our national football team would be a disaster. Niederlage to suspend His YouTube account has already been suspended . aussetzen, verschieben swearing-in We are all waiting for the swearing-in of our newly-elected prime minister. Vereidigung Home seen from abroad 1 to be pressed to do sth. Police pressed her to remember all the details. gedrängt werden etw. zu tun buzzard The buzzard is a bird of prey. Bussard to menace !*menEs? Duellists usually don’t menace anybody but each other. gefährden scooped We finally arrived at the valley of the James River, scooped out in a green wilderness of forest. ausgehöhlt blurred My memories of my grand-grandparents are very blurred . verschwommen, unscharf masoned gable This house has an extraordinary masoned gable . gemauerter Dachgiebel 2 to haunt For centuries, it has been believed that ghosts have haunted this old castle. heimsuchen, verfolgen torch The Statue of Liberty holds a torch in her right hand. Fackel famished I tried to run but I couldn’t because I was so exhausted and famished . ausgehungert five and dime At 15 he was already working in a five and dime to support his family financially. Billigkaufhaus to taunt sb. The student taunted the police after having been arrested. jmdn. verhöhnen, verspotten coffin ship Due to the long journeys and cramped conditions many Irish died on the way to America travelling with so-called coffin ships . Seelenverkäufer, reparatur- bedürftiges Schiff to prevail The prevailing hygiene standards in this restaurant are poor. vorherrschen The Troubles 1 paramilitary organisation A paramilitary organisation includes civilians who are trained in a military fashion. paramilitärische Organisation 2 to traduce sb./sth. He was traduced by the British press. jmdn./etw. verleumden fierce The students’ discussions about whether to go on a school leaving trip or not were fierce . heftig, erbittert to trigger Social cutbacks for the poor triggered street violence. auslösen mural Many tourists come to see the murals in Belfast. Wandmalerei, Wandbild to depict The first part of the film depicts an Indian street scene. darstellen to bring down the final curtain After more than 100 shows, it’s time to bring down the final curtain . etw. zu Ende bringen carpet slippers Please bring your own carpet slippers while staying at the youth hostel. Filzpantoffeln Unit 1 179 Die Angabe der Lösungen der Aufgaben auf den Check-out -Seiten und im Abschnitt Exam preparation unterstützt bei der Selbstkontrolle . Das unitbegleitende Vocabulary listet den Wortschatz in der Reihenfolge seines Vorkommens auf. Die farbliche Kennzeichnung von Kern- und Erweiterungswort­ schatz hilft bei der Orientierung. E Exam preparation Table of contents Reading 145 Skimming and scanning 145 Sample reading tasks 145 Four words 145 Matching 146 Multiple choice 147 True/False/First four words 149 Listening 150 Dealing with listening tasks 150 Sample listening tasks 150 Four words 150 Matching 151 Multiple choice 151 Language in use 153 Sample tasks 153 Matching 153 Open gap fill 154 Word formation 154 Editing 155 Multiple choice 156 Writing 157 Grading of written performance 157 Text types 158 Article 158 Essay 159 Formal e-mail/letter 161 E-mail/Letter of application 161 E-mail/Letter of complaint 163 E-mail/Letter to the editor 164 Report 165 Blog 167 Blog comment 167 Blog post 168 Speaking 169 Individual long turn 169 Paired activity 171 Special skills 173 Collecting and structuring ideas 173 Brainstorming 173 Mindmapping 173 Working on a text 174 Beginning and ending 174 Summarising 174 Revising and proofreading 175 Improving your style 175 Connecting ideas 175 Avoiding repetition 176 Paraphrasing 176 Using rhetorical devices 176 Working with visuals 177 Statistics and diagrams 177 Pictures 178 General exam tips • The most important thing is to keep calm. If you feel you are getting stressed take a deep breath. • Read the questions carefully. • If there is a word you do not know, look at the context to find the meaning. • You will often find instructions about how to answer the questions. • As you read the questions, write down words or phrases that come to your mind next to them. These may help you organise your answer. • If there are options, read each one carefully. • Manage your time: Work out how much time you can spend on each question to complete the exam. • Don’t spend too much time on questions you cannot answer. Do another task and return to this step later. • Likewise, don’t spend all your time on questions you can answer. You have to answer all the questions. • Check your texts. Always plan some time to go through your answers again, checking not only for content but also for spelling, grammatical errors and awkward style. 144 Exam preparation Matching: Panel discussion about climate change You are going to listen to a panel discussion about climate change. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, match the beginnings of the sentences (1–8) with the sentence endings (A–K). There are two sentence endings that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 2 18 4.4 Tip • Before the audio starts you have 45 seconds to study the answers. Make sure you have read all of them so that you are familiar with them while listening. • Analyse the options very carefully. Sometimes wrong answers are very similar to the correct option. T 0 The presenter asks the panellists if the whole world … E ✔ A really want to take action against climate change. 1 Arthur Dodgeson answers that glaciers … B needs to do more to fight climate change. 2 Ford Praed believes that the automobile industry … C have a greater impact than human activity. 3 He believes that the sun’s activities … D have been losing size in recent years. 4 The other panellist fears that countries like the Netherlands or Bangladesh … E is in danger as a result of climate change. 5 Ford Praed does not panic because he thinks that climate change … F is just a natural phenomenon. 6 Arthur Dodgeson is unsure whether governments … G is responsible for climate change. 7 Ford Praed is optimistic because he thinks that climate change … H are equally important. 8 He believes that it cannot be proved that mankind … I has risen in the last thirty years. J may be negatively affected by the effects of climate change. K happens very slowly. Multiple choice: Male and female usage of new technologies You are going to listen to an interview about recent surveys and statistics on male and female internet use. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–5). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. 3 19 4.5 151 Der Abschnitt Exam preparation am Ende des Abschlussbandes von Prime Time behandelt zusammenfassend Reading, Listening, Language in use, Writing und Speaking . Er bietet einen kompakten Überblick über alle Testformate, mit denen Sie im Rahmen der kompetenzorientierten standardisierten Reifeprüfung konfrontiert werden könnten, Beispiel­ aufgaben zu allen Fertigkeiten sowie Beispieltexte zu allen matura­ relevanten Textsorten. Useful phrases und zahlreiche Tips geben Ihnen die Hilfestellungen, die Sie brauchen. Verweis auf die CD Ihres Lehrers/Ihrer Lehrerin 1.1 Verweis auf die CD in diesem Buch 1 Verweis auf die DVD in diesem Buch 2 Verweis auf eine Übung, für die ein Internet­ zugang benötigt wird Verweis auf einen Online-Code vi522q Kennzeichnung einer Übung im Format der Standardisierten Reifeprüfung oder anderer standardisierter Prüfungen Abkürzungen und Zeichen adj. adjective coll. colloquial derog. derogatory sb. somebody etw. etwas sth. something jmdm. jemandem jmdn. jemanden pl. Plural  ist das Gegenteil von  ist verwandt mit = entspricht Symbole 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv